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Contains Mature Content

*Faye's P.O.V*

This has been the best birthday ever ! The best year ever ! The best day ever ! . I don'ct are about the rumours or Selena , Justin is mine and he's all i care about .

He scoops me up in his arms and runs up the stairs and into his bedroom , locks the door and puts me down . I walk over to his bed and slowly sit down on the edge . I can see Justin's baggy trousers trailing towards me , i look up to him and smile .

"What's wrong?" he smirks .

" Nothing , why would something be wrong " i look up at his gorgeous face , his eyes twinkling in the dim red light . I start to breath heavily as his body lures closer to mine . He starts to crawl on top of me and i slowly lower myself to lay on the bed . My bright red hair spreading around my face as i splat down on the bed .

"Your glowing" he grins . I give him a smirk but it's interrupted by his lips . I make the kiss harsher thinking of how lucky i am to be in this position and how many other girls would kill to do this right now .

Oppa Gangnam Style

Ayyyyeee Sexy Lady

I hear Justin's phone buzz i release the kiss with a laugh . Why is that his ring tone ? ahah .

"Excuse me" he winks . He looked down at his phone but too late i snatched it out of his hands .

"Hello Bieber residence" i speak in a posh accent .

"Hi , is Justin there " i hear a squeaky American accent .

Ugh it's Selena .

" What do you want " i snap .

"Justin , if he's not too busy" she giggles .

" He's a bit busy right now " i smile at him and wriggle my eyebrows out of breathe .

" Why are you out of breathe ewww" she starts to wretch .  When Justin snatches the phone back .

"Hello" he says in a husky voice , so sexy .

"When can i come round to give ... her this card" i hear her sigh .

"Well not righ-"

" I'm coming now" she snaps .

" No , we're in the middle of something" he sighs .

"But i-"

"JUST COME BACK TOMORROW" he shouts and hangs up the phone . I was taken back at his anger towards her . Oh well this is good we got rid of the Gomez for another couple of hours .

"What did she want?"

"To come round and give you a card" he smirks .

"Well i'm sure she can wait" i grin and pull him into me by his shirt .

We started our intense make out session , when Justin ripped his black jacket and shirt off . I really don't want to ruin this dress but i really want to take it off right now . He lets go off the kiss as he says "Sit up" bless him he looked so out of breath and a bit tired , i guess it was kind of late . He unzipped my dress and i slid it off of my head , which just left me with me in my bra and knickers and jewelry .

" No , leave it on" he whispers as i go to take my locket off . "Promise me we are doing this through love , not just because we feel in the mood" .

"I promise" i nod just desperately wanting more of his lips . We got straight back into our make out when he starts to take his trousers off . Wow he's really going all the way tonight . I take everything off , now both of us but knacked . You can tell where this is going , right? I don't want to go into complete detail . I felt my body start to go hotter and hotter , starting to brake out into sweat .

Justin lets go of my lips out of breathe . "Are you alright?" he whispers leaning on my shoulder whilst laying on top of me .

"Yeah" i whisper back .

"Just tell me if it hurts and ill stop " .


Ok so what do you think ? Didn't want to go to rude cause you know . Anyway thanks for reading ! Can't wait to upload tomorrow ! Grr Who hates Selena already !

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