Your Carriage Awaits

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A.N - Heey it's me Tezney :P Hey . I'm writing this to 'Pick Me' by well .. you know who ;) . I really hope you like my story i know it's not huge or anything but thank you so much for reading.It means a lot :') xx K here's the next chapter :) . 


*Justin's P.O.V*

I'm so glad i have Faye back now , this place feels like home again . Oh and the surprise car was a purple limo that i picked Faye up in the day i went to get her back . Cool right ! . I totally forget to tell you anyways . 

"Justin , get ready now please we have to be there in like an hour" i hear my mum shout from the living room casually watching TV . I'm so glad she's staying here for a while , i love having her around she keeps me grounded more than anyone . 

"OK mom !!" i leap up the stairs , two each time and see Faye's red hair swoosh into her bedroom . 

"God hurry up!" i joke . 

"Oh shut up" she sighs with a laugh and slams the door . 

I get dressed as quick as possible , i'm never normally late for anything but if i don't hurrt my ass up , i might as well not go . 


I'm wearing a plain white t-shirt with a gold chain . A plaid over jacket and some jeans . Ryan is standing next to me with a leather jacket on and black trousers and black sunglasses . 

"Dude really?" i smirk . We're standing just near the door waiting for Faye .. again . 

"What ?" he shrugs . 

"You clothes" 

"what??!!" he shouts , i just have to burst now , i can't hold it in "Seriously man what's wrong with my clothes" 

"You look like .. Will Smith from MIB or something ahahaha" 

"Shut up!" he sulks . 

"Sorry!" i make out in my laughing . 

Ryan shakes his head and shouts up the stairs "Faye come on!" 

"OK , i'm coming i'm coming" i hear her English accent faintly . Finally her door opens . 

She's wearing a grey beanie with a blue and white striped shirt which is laying over her shoulders . With some denim shorts and blue Vans . She's so hot ! .

"Hello my princesses" i say as i bow in front of her . 

"Why hello my prince" she giggles and curtsies . 

"Oh how adorable . Now lets get in the car!" Ryan . 

"Um what is he wearing" Faye whispers to me . 

"I have no idea" we both laugh as we walk over the car . 

"Double time please guys , i don't want to be a pain but please Justin" Mom sighs getting in the drivers seat . 

"OK mom!" i shout and we both jog over to the car . "Your carriage awaits my dear" i spin my hand around and open up the passenger door for Faye . 

"Thank you kind sir" she giggles as she hops into moms BMW . 


Short i know sorry it's a bit crappy but i'm updating ;) xxx 

Faye >>>> 

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