Don't Think I Forgot

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*Selena's P.O.V*

Ha he actually believed i would leave the snob alone . Oh no , i'm not letting her out of my sight with him . He's mine , he has always liked me and i'm not giving up on him just because he met some tramp in a parking lot . 

"Bye Selena" Justin smiles with a hug , i hug him back tightly and then give that thing a 'hug' . 

"Bye , see you guys soon" i add with a giggle , it's a good job i got into acting , i mean i'm just so darn good at it . 

*Faye's P.O.V* 

She's up to something , soon enough she will have my Justy wrapped around her little finger . I don't think so , i have waited this long to treat Justin the way he needs to be treated and love him forever . She is not taking him away from me . 

"Come on babe , let's go" Justin smiles at me with his gorgeous chocolate eyes , their like a pool of chocolaty goodness , i just want to roll around them . 

I take his hand and we drive back home . 


Justin wraps his hands around my body as we are laying on the sofa relaxing me immediately  . Everyone has gone to bed but we decided to watch a movie . 

"Don't think i forgot something" Justin whispers as he lightly pulls a stand of hair away from my face.

"Forgot what?" i laugh . 

"Your birthday , tomorrow " he chuckles . 

"Oh that , you didn't have to get me anything" i smile . 

"Yes i did Faye i love you" he smirks as we lightly drift off into a kiss . 

"You give me everything just by breathing" i mumble into his lips . He looks down at me with a grin , not knowing what to say . 

"Your amazing" he smiles . 

*Justin's P.O.V*

Damn what do i say that . She's good , i mean really good , a proper sweet talker . I feel my cheeks go a light shade of red and they start to go hotter as i feel her hands rise up my shirt . 

"What are you doing?" i smirk giving her a wide grin . She just smiles at me as i feel her finger trace the crease in my abs . I slide my shirt off of my head with just my chain left dangling frantically around my neck . 

She won't look at my face now , her eyes are just glued to my body . "Well i'm getting you something for your birthday whether I'm breathing or not" i whisper into her ear . 

"I'd rather you be breathing thank you" she laughs as she pushes me back down the other way on the sofa . She straddled herself over my waist and crashed her lips into mine . I scrunch her hair at the back giving it immense volume . 

"Guys?!" i hear a familiar voice scream and Faye immediately rushes off of me . "What are you doing!" it was Ryan  . 

"I'd like to , to ask you the same thing" i stutter . 

"I was thirsty" he raises an eyebrow . 

"Oh right , well-"

"And what were you too doing?" he smirks . 

"We , we were just-" Fayes stutters as well . 

"Making out!" He shouts "Yeah i saw that" he laughs . 

I shoot up and chase him around the kitchen and grab him in a head lock . We joke around for a while when Faye was actually getting worried . 

"Stop!" ... "Hey Stop It!" she shouts . 

"What" Ryan laughs out of breathe . 

"Aren't you , hurting each other? Does it hurt?" 

"No" i laugh . 

"Oh then i can join in then" she smirks . 

She ran up to Ryan , got hold of his arm . Picked him up , flipped him up in the air and smashed him onto the floor . 

"That didn't hurt did it" she laughed in hysterics . I was ... shocked i mean i did not see that coming . 

"Yes" Ryan coughed on the floor . 

"Oh , i'm so sorry " she shouted and helped him up . 

Wait hold up , did Ryan Butsy just get beat up by a .. girl ? 

"Ryan , you just got flawed by a girl" i actually fell on the floor laughing . 

"Shut up!" he smirked as he struggled up clenching to Faye's arm . 

Oh my god , i can't help it I'm crying with laughter . 

"That was amazing Faye , oh my god" i was truly almost dieing in fits of laughter still rolling about on the floor with no shirt on and my pants just covering my ass . 

"OK let's go to bed now" Faye giggles pouring out Ryan a drink who was now hunched up on a stool up the breakfast bar . 

"OK" me and Ryan both say together . 


"Good night Princesses" i roll over to my beautiful girlfriend lying next to me . 

"Good night Justin" she replies in such a light voice . Then out of nowhere she rolled over on top of me how she did earlier . "I believe we were interrupted" she winked . 

"We were weren't we" i wink back . 

She nods and places her lips onto mine . I pull her body in closer to mine and we start our actual 'making out' . 

I love Faye so much and i cherish every second that i spend with her . She is the most beautiful girl i have ever met in my whole life and she has a stunning personality that any guy would die for . I'm actually worried if Ryan might fall for her . It's her birthday tomorrow and i want to make it really special for her and prove to her how much i really love her , open up to her without any paparazzi or fans around . I have no idea where to take her though i want to make it so special that no other guy has done it before . She is my angel and i will protect her with my life and love her forever and ever , i hope we last that long , i can't imagine something happening .. again . I need her in my life , i can't life without her i honestly can't . I know I'm to young to be thinking about marriage but i hope that's where it ends up . I want to spend the rest of my life with this girl . But anyway hopefully i will think of something by tomorrow . I'm not telling you what i have got her yet , it's a surprise . 

She pulls away from my lips and whispers "Good night" in my ear . I return the quote , give her one last kiss and go to sleep . 


Thank you :) I just had to upload another , i felt as if the other was too short . Ok thank you and stay close her birthday is 2morrow and it will be uploaded 2morrow , btw 2moz is my birthday as well ;) . Ok bye guys have a nice day xx 

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