Friday Night . . . CRAP !

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*Faye's P.O.V*

I'm now riding in the car with Justin , Pattie and Ryan . Justin is sitting in the front with Pattie and i'm stuck here with Ryan who looks like he's about to open the window and shoot someone in a minute . Justin keep's giving me a little look and smile through the mirror above his head . How cute i love him so much . 

I wonder who will be hosting the show , apparently it's two surprise celebrities every week , oooh i hope it's someone really nice and oh god maybe even Leonardo DiCaprio and ... some .. other person , i don't know .  

"We're here" Pattie squeals "Now let's go" . 

I open the door while eating a cookie .. i like cookies . Justin runs to me and clenches my hand . 

"Are you nervous?" i question becuase of his tight grip . 

"A little" he smirks . 

"It will be fine" i smile leaning my head on his shoulder . 


*Justin's P.O.V*

"Hi Justin it's lovely to meet you , a bit late but that's fine . Here's your room and i will be back shortly to collect you for when we start"  a tall lady with curly blond hair smiles at me closing my dressing room door with just me and Faye inside . Mom and Ryan went to go get some food for us . 

"I can tell your bricking it Justin" Faye sighs at me and slumps on a chair beside her . 

"Is it that obvious" 

She nodded her head with a grin . 

"Just relax , i know it's hard because of your last interview but please , don't worry about it" she gets back up and jolts my shoulders . I pull her in and give her a hug , she just knows me to well . 

"We're back!" Ryan shouts with a doughnut hanging out of his mouth . 

What a pig ! 

"Oh , did we interrupt something" he wriggles his eyebrows . 

"God Ryan , just give us the food please" i joke grabbing a plate off of him . 

"Justin!" mom shouts . 

"Sorry Butsy" i roll my eyes . 

"Justin , your on in 10 , can you come with me please" the lady with the blond hair burst's back in the room with a clipboard . 

"But i just got food" i pout . 

"There will be plenty of time for food , now come on" he tugs me by the wrist , i quickly put the plate down on the nearest table and ran with her . 


I sat backstage until i hear the theme music and the crowd cheer , when then the women pushes me closer to the stage doors . 

"Hey , and welcome to Friday Night with me Drake Bell" 

As ol Ry Good would say AW C'MON , is this a setup . 

"And me Selena Gomez" 

OH SHIT . This is defiantly a set up . CRAP .

"You don't know who is coming out of that door" smiles Drake . 

"And neither do we" laughs Selena . 

"So let's get the first one out shall we ?" they both shout and clap . 

"GO" the women shoves me in the back and i step out onto the stage and wave to my Beliebers , only my Beliebers . 

I wanted to tell the whole world about how much i love Faye but i certainly didn't want to tell it to these guys . I really don't like them and plus i havn't had a proper 'chat' with Selena yet so i'm screwed .

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