I think she understands :/

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*Justin's P.O.V*

I'm feeling quite uneasy . The interviews over and i have spent some time with my family and Faye , now Scooter's walking with me to go see Selena . What do i say ? I don't want to be mean but i don't want to go to easy ? . Guess there's no time to think . 

"Hey!" she shouts and hugs me tight . 

I kind of feel sorry for her , i'd hate to love someone and them not love me back . 

"Hi!" i murmer . 

"So what do you want to talk about?" . Why is she playing innocent . 

"Look Selena , you know what you did last Sunday" i sigh " You do know how much of a disaster it made , right ?" .

"I'm sorry" she sighs and drops he head . "I , i don't know what went through me , i know you have a girlfriend and i don't doubt that you love her from what i just witnessed but i thought we had something" she explains , looking back up at me with her sparkling brown eyes . 

I did use to really like her i admit but that was before i met Faye . 

"I'm sorry if i led you on , i did use to like you and i'm so sorry . I will never play with a girls heart , i promised myself that . I liked you before i met Faye but - " 

"But then she came along" she whispers . 

"I know you don't like her but like her for me , please just try to get along with her because i just pray we can still be friends . Just promise me something though" 

"Anything!" she laughs . 

"Never , kiss me again" i grin . 

"We'll ill try , i promise" she smiles back and gets up for a hug . I hug her back and we go to get smoothies together in the studio lobby . I think she understands :/ . 

"Everything ok ?" Scooter asks while walking with us both to the lobby . 

"Great" i smile . 

"Awesome" Selena adds . 

"Justin?" i hear the most sweetest English accent ever . "Oh there ... you .. are?" her voice fades with the sight of Selena . 

"I'm so sorry , i really am . I hope we can be friends" Selena's voice shakes as she raises her hand out to Faye . 

*Faye's P.O.V* 

"Justin?" i shout . Where the heck is he , i swear i saw him go off with Scooter somewhere . "Oh there ... you ..are" .

Selena ? I know she interviewed him but why are they smiling and laughing together ? Like friends? . 

"I'm so sorry , i really am . I hope we can be friends" Her voice shakes and she is rasing her hand to , shake mine? . 

"Im sorry what?" i smirk . 

"I'm sorry can we be friends , please . I think we could get along really well" she smiles . 

I turn to Justin as if to say 'Is she serious' he looked at me and gave me a pleading look and a pout . How can i not just obey those gorgeous puppy eyes . 

"OK" i sigh and shake her hand . 

"Yay!" she jumps and hugs me . 

"Humm Yaaay" i say sarcastically in an American accent . I'm only doing this for Justin . Who mouths me a thank you and we all go to get smoothies . 

I still don't trust Selena though . 


A/N - Thank you . I hope you enjoyed it , i'm uploading everyday so make sure you keep up :) My chapter's aren't really that long so it shouldn't be to hard :') . Oh and it's my birthday 2morrow so i might add something extra special i don't know what but anyway , it will be Faye's birthday as well . Have a nice day , thank you guys !! xxx 

 The smoothie Bar >>> But obvs Justin is wearing something different in my story :) 

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