They want you

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*Justin's P.O.V* 

"Hello" i sigh . 

"Hey Justin , it's Scooter . Is everything ok ? You sound a bit , down?" 

"Yeah im alright , what's up?" 

"Well , Wake Up It's Sunday called . I know their not your favourite but it was Selena , not them" 

"I know , i know . What did they want" 

"They want an interview with you next Sunday , is that ok?" he questions . 

"Yeah that's fine" i smile . I know they only want to know the truth and i guess i do kind of confuse people sometimes . 

"Oh , they want Faye as well " this took me back . 

"What?" i didn't think i heard him properly . 

"They want you and Faye on together" he chuckles "Is that alright?" i can almost hear his smile . 

"One second let me ask"  . I hold the speaker and turn around . "Faye!" 

"Yeah" she shouts back because she's now in the kitchen . 

"How do you feel about your first interview?" i hear her running footsteps stamp into the living room . 

"What?" he smirks and twitches her head making her pony tale swing . 

"They want you and me on Wake Up It's Sunday next week . Is that ok?" i smile almost breaking my neck to see her . She was standing behind the sofa . 

She gave me an unsure nod and uneasy smile . "Are you sure?" i widen my smile . She does the same and makes her nod quicker . "She's cool" i speak back down the phone to Scooter . 

"Brilliant . See you next Sunday my brother" 

"We don't have any shows or anything?" i smile . 

"Nope your off the hook but just for this last week , ok?" 

"Ok you got it . Love yah bro" 

"Love you to man" he hangs up the phone and hear vigorous footsteps speed up the stairs . 

*Faye's P.O.V* 

Did he just say my first interview . Holy crap . I'm nervous already , what if everyone hates me and all his beliebers chuck things at me . I'm one of their own , so they wouldn't do that , right? . 

I slump down onto my bed lay there for a while , thinking about what i'm in for . 

What was your first kiss like ? 

Have you done it yet ? 

What did  Justin get you for your birthday ?

How am i going to be able to talk . I mean , i'm so shy around interviewers and reporters . They kind of scare me . 

"Babe?" i hear the most sexiest voice over and a knock on my door . 

"Come in" i shout . 

"Are you ok?" she smiles and jumps on my bed . 

"Im fine" i smile and he puts his arm around me . 

"No your not" he twist's my head to look at him . "You don't have to do this . I don't mind if you don't want to" he's so sweet . 

"No i have to do this Justin . I don't want to let you down" 

"You won't silly" he squeezes me tighter "Are you sure , i know your nervous . Trust me , it will be easy . They will ask you a couple of questions . Probably about the commercial , me and you , other stuff. Look it will all be ok . I promise . You don't even have to answer them" he smiles . 

"ill be fine , trust me" i smile back and hug him back . 

"Ok" he lets go and plays with my hair . I laugh at his finger twiddling . "Your so beautiful" he whispers .

"Your so handsome" i whisper back .

"Really!" i smiles .

"Oh come on Justin" i stand up and point to a poster of him on my wall "This is perfection" i laugh . He walks up to me and grabs me by the waist . 

"Your perfection" he whispers and slowly we drift into a kiss . 


Thanks for reading guys . More 2moz xxx 

Faye's poster of Justin >>>> 

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