Don't Judge Me

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*Faye's P.O.V*

What an asshole , I'm never speaking to him again . I knew he didn't love me , why was i so stupid a stupid dumb skank like me could never possibly be loved by one of the most fam-

"Faye?" mum turned around in the passenger seat gazing at me in concern . We were on our way to the airport . I'm surprised they said yes to us coming to America in the first place but i guess they knew how much i wanted to spend time with Justin . They knew all about my big obsession and would do anything for me to meet him .

"Yes Mum" i click out of my thoughts and look up at her .

"Are you alright?" she shifts her gaze from my eyes to my tears still rolling like a stream of sorrow down my cheeks .

Yes mum everything's fine . My boyfriend just cheated on me and now we are going to travel thousands of miles on a plane when i feel like shit .

"I'm fine" i sigh whipping away the tears so she can't stare at them anymore .

*Justin's P.O.V*

"Justin , please come out of your room" i hear my mom knock on my door .

I havn't seen her in ages , obviously i greeted her in the house and had a chat with her , i missed her so much . I couldn't hold in my tears any longer . She started to talk about the "mystery girl" on the news and in magazines and on the Internet with me . It made my mind shoot back to Faye . I just broke down . I ran up stairs and locked myself in my bedroom . I'm sitting on my bed , crying like a baby , i just want to hear Faye's voice again or just see her and explain , if she'd let me .

"Justin please" she pleaded and knocked on the door harder .

OK i can't block her out . Just let her in .

I open the door and she shoots through and hugs me . "Tell me everything!" she shouts and drags me back other to my bed . 

*Faye's P.O.V*

I sat on the plane in silence the whole way there . I didn't speak , sing , cough , sneeze . Nothing . My mind was replaying Selena and Justin kissing . It made me feel even more depressed and unloved .

"Would you like anything young lady" says the young American girl beside me pushing a trolley .

I just shake my head and she rolls her eyes and moves on to the people in front of me . No one could tell me off , no one was sitting next to me . Mum and dad was sitting behind me while Nate sat behind them chatting away to an old man . I don't care , i don't care that the women rolled her eyes at me for being rude . All i want is to rewind today and wake back up in Justin's warm bed .

*Justin's P.O.V*

"So that's what happened" my mom asked as i had just finished explaining . I nod and look down to the floor . "Well i never really liked Selena anyway" she laughs trying to make me smirk or giggle or anything . I love my mom . I smirk as i look back up at her . "Would you like me to ring Faye's mom" she wonders gazing her orbs into mine .

"She won't listen" i shook my head and looked back down to the floor .

"Well i will make her then" she laughs , patted me on the leg and strolled out of my room whilst pulling out her phone from her pocket .

I had been talking to mom for so long expressing all my feelings and sorrow and she really listened . Not many people now a days do that for me . With interviewers they only want their answerer's and then want me to leave . Sound harsh ? Well yeah it is .

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