I Love You .

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*Faye's P.O.V*

I run upstairs , to my bedroom . I'm having my hair down today for a change , i mean it is my birthday . Oh hey , i wonder where Pattie is ? . Anyway . I hop in the shower , brush me teeth and that , do my hair . I grab an old long dress shirt and some shorts . My dress shirt is pink with yellow flowers on it a bit old but i think it's pretty , hopefully Justin will too . I grab my light pink Vans and go back downstairs to find Pattie mixing up a big English breakfast . 

Oh my god i could just do with one of them right now . 

"Oh my god Pattie , thank you so much" i yell as i hug her from behind . 

"Your welcome hunny , i got you a card it's other there" she points . 

"Thank you" . 

I open it up to $100 and the card read : 

Use it well baby from me and your momma . 

Then mum , dad and Nate came running up to me out of no where . 

"Happy Birthday Faye!" they all shout and give me a tight hug , i couldn't breath . 

"Thanks guys" i giggle as they let go . 

"Oh and this is from me and Nate" dad passes me a card and a present . The card was so sweet a real pleasure to have . 

"Oh my god i love you so much" i hug them both again . 

"Open the present" Nate shouts in excitement . 

I open it frantically . 


"Ahhh" they mock . 

"Assassins Creed , the new one . Awesome" 

"We can all play it together" Nate jumped in joy . We always use to play video games , me , dad and Nate . We use to get in arguments over who won and who cheated but we just ended up laughing in wrestling in the end . It was so much fun . 

"Tomorrow , tomorrow i promise" i pinky swear with them both as Nate pouts . 

"OK!" they both pretend to cry . I shake my head and laugh as i go thank Pattie and then see Justin happily trot down the stairs.  


"Oh my god , i could eat that all over again Pattie" me and my dad laugh . 

"Really" she laughs back . 

"No , i'm stuffed but that was amazing" i smile . Justin's gives out a laugh while Ryan goes up to get ready . 


Me and Justin spent most of the day lounging near the pool and sunbathing . It was so relaxing not one pap or fan chasing after us . 

"It's time" Justin squeals and runs to the patio doors . 

"What?" i laugh . 

"For our special night , please go get ready" he pouts and runs in the house with wet feet . 

I shrug and follow after him . 


"Justin! Be careful" i laugh as i see his feet glide on the wet floor . He completely ignored me and ran in his room and slammed the door shut . That boy !! . 

Ok i get myself dry and out of my bikini . Do my hair .. again , wavy and add a white bow in my fringe .  Slide my dress on that Ryan and Justin got me . Put my high silver shiny heels on and grab a matching purse . Spray on some Girlfriend my additional bottle to my other one :) . I'm ready ! 

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