I Promise

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*Faye's P.O.V* 

I feel alone , all by myself . Why ? . I slowly open my eyes to feel no warm body laying beside me . What the heck is going on ? . 

Oh yeah , my birthday . 

I sit up to see rose petals scattered all over the bed sheet . Such a vibrant hot pink , so beautiful and colourful . I pick one up and feel it's soft veins . I look up to see a huge picture of me and Justin hanging up next to his TV . It's so cute , in black and white of him kissing me on the cheek , at the beach . 

I look to my right to see a huge vase full of purple flowers and a card lying next to them . They smelt so gorgeous , i reached out for the card that read : 

Come downstairs beautiful . 

I tip toed into my room , quickly slung on some clothes and slowly made my way downstairs . I note was stuck to the banister : 

Meet me outside . 

I smiled at it and went to the back door where i found another note : 

You'll find someone near the swing ;) . 

My smile widened as i knew exactly who was at the swing , i could tell by the terrible hand writing but as Justin would say 'It's not scruffy , it's my own font' . 

I made my way past the pool and there he sat with a small box and even more beautiful flowers . He immediately stood up when he saw me walking towards him . 

"Happy Birthday My Angel" he smiled . 

"Thank you" i grinned turning a bright red . I put the notes on the swing and gave Justin a long , tight  hug . 

"Here you go gorgeous" he let go of me and handed me the box and flowers . 

"I told you not t-" 

"Just open it" 

I sat down and smelt the pink , purple and blue flowers . They smelt even better then the first ones up in his bedroom . 

"They're lovely Justin thank you" i kissed him lightly on the cheek and shifted my attention to the small box . 

I smile at him questionably and shake it to my ear . I slowly undo the purple bow and lift the top . Inside was a note : 

Please hold onto this , as if it resembles my heart . I promise to never hurt you or damage you in anyway possible , if you promise the same . 

I looked up at him and smiled the most content smile i think i have ever created . "I promise" i whisper as i caress his cheek . 

"I promise too" he smiles back and holds my hand . 

I look back down to the small white box and remove the terribly handwritten note . I'm just kidding but it is bad but adorable . I make a huge gasp as i look down to a silver heart with silver diamonds all over it . I carefully pick it up to see hinges on the left side . 

A locket :') .

I slowly open it to see a picture of me and Justin on one side and on the other it said : 

Faye & Justin . I love you Faye , from Justy . 

Carved into it with a tiny silver heart next to it . 

"It's beautiful" i cried as i wrapped my arms around him . 

"I'm glad you like it" he chuckles . "Do you want me to help you put it on ?" 

"Yes please" i turn my back to him and pass him the locket . He carefully slides my long bright hair to my left shoulder and clips the locket together . 

"I love it" i turn back to meet his eyes . 

"I love you" he smiles . 

"I love you too" i whisper as he slowly presses his lips into mine . 

"Happy Birthday Little Red!" i hear a cry that jumps the crap out of me . Of course it's Ryan . 

"Hey Butsy" i stand up and hug him tight as he passes me a bag , quite heavy actually . "Oh my god, you didn't have to , thank you so much" i cry as i peck him quickly on the cheek . I knew Justin wouldn't mind i mean we are all really close friends . 

"Hey , it's the least i could do now open it , i wanna see your face" he rubs his hands together . 

"Ok , ok ,ok" i laugh . 

I open the bag to see a Playboy magazine ? . Shaving Cream ? . Mono brow Remover ? . 

Does that even exist ? 

I look up at him in confusion and raise an eyebrow . 

"I'm just kidding , that's mine . This is yours" he throws his head back in laughter and hands me a bag that was hidden behind his feet . I can hear Justin's adorable laugh beside me as he hands me a purple shiny bag . 

"Thanks" i giggle . 

But this is good , i mean this is so good . Inside i find Believe , purple ear rings , a new dress (White with sparkling diamonds on the front) So gorgeous . Make up and new perfume (Girlfriend)

"Wow , Ryan . I feel out done" i hear Justin gasp . I snap round to him and look at him deeply . 

"This is the most amazing present , anyone has ever got me Justin and most of all . It came from you , which makes it even more beautiful" i brag as i clench my necklace . 

He gives me a wide smile and says nothing . 

"He did pitch in with the dress" i turn to Ryan . "We both got it for-"

"For tonight" Justin buts in . "Tonight we are going somewhere but it's a surprise" he winks . 

"Oh , ok" i wink back . "Thank you guys so much" i squeeze them both , one arm each and give Justin a kiss and go i get ready . 


A/N - Heeey it's my 14th Birthday today :) xx So how are you guys ? I hope you like this chapter ? The surprise is in the next chapter ;) xx Carry on Beliebing 

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