Mark's Talk and Girlfriend

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*Justin's P.O.V* 

I had just finished putting my socks on , sitting on my bed . When i heard heavy footsteps pour into my room followed by a slam of the door . 

"I'm very grateful to you , for letting us stay here Justin but what do you think your playing at? Mark bellows . 

"Mark , what's up?" i smirk . 

"Oh , you know what's up . What you and my daughter did last night" he shouts . 

"How d'you know . Did she tell you?" i feel so , embarrassed . I felt my cheeks start to fluster a dark red . Why would she tell them ? . 

"Nate could hear you last night , so it sort of slipped out " he sighed . 

"He heard!" i felt even more embarrassed and kind of guilty i mean the dudes only 7 and how does he even know what sex is ? . 

"Yeah he did and i just want to tell you that , i'm fine with you and Faye together and i know you will look after her but please . Please keep it private" he sighs . 

"Yes sir" 

"And don't you dare get her pregnant" he points at me "Your a nice lad and i have a huge amount of respect for you" . 

"I promise i won't sir , i will be smart about it and thank you sir" 

"Stop calling me sir" he chuckles . 

I kind of felt like i had to it didn't feel right calling him Mark when he was in a temper with me . 

"But i know one day , you too will get married and you will have kids but wait till the times right yeah?" . 

This made my heart go over . The thought of marrying Faye would be magical and raising kids together would just be even better and for her dad to know that's going to happened some day , means a heck of a lot to me . 

"Wow , id love to marry your daughter one day" i smile . 

"I hope it's you" he puts his hands on my shoulders . 

"Me too" i pat him on the arm and he messes up my hair . I smile at him and he trots back downstairs . Suddenly Faye comes rushing in . 

"Is everything ok ?" she has such a worried look on her face . 

"Everything is perfect" i smile and caress her cheek . She smiles in a sigh of relief . 

"I'm gunna kill Nate" she smirks . 

"Maybe we should be a bit more , cautious next time" i laugh . She nods and giggles . "Come on , we have a commercial to make" i say as i slap her ass . 

"Alright pushy" she slaps mine back and runs into her room . 


We are half way through the commercial and it's looking pretty good so far . We are working so hard. Faye has to do one or two scenes on her own but she says she's cool with that . 

I'm so glad she is in this with me and that i didn't have to pretend to love someone else again . Don't get me wrong i love making music videos and stuff but now that i have Faye i don't know how i'm going to pretend to have feelings for someone , when i don't . 


"It looks great" i hear Faye's voice and i look to her and smile . We're in the middles of watching the finished product and it does look really swaggy . It's just a shame you can't see her beautiful face . 

"Yeah it does" i agree and look back to the screen .

The video had finished and everyone yelled with joy . 

"Well done bro that was amazing" i feel a pat on the shoulder coming from Ryan Good . 

He's such a pro and a complete nutter at times but he's my bro and i couldn't live without him . 

"Good job Justin" Scooter comes over for a hug .

"Thanks man" i hug him back , i have so much love for Scoot , he's the reason i'm here well apart from my fans . I let go of the hug and give Scooter a nod as i walk off over to Faye . 

"Hey superstar" she smiles and hugs me tight . 

"Can i talk to you for a minute" i scratch the back of my head . 

"Sure" bless her , she looks kind of worried . 

We both step outside of the studio and into the cold . I take my jacket off and wrap it round her shoulders . 

"Thanks" she smiles at me so brightly "What did you want to talk about?" . 

"It's coming to the end of the week now and"

"Oh no , do i have to leave" she gasps . 

"No way!" i smile and she sighs in relief . "It's just i have a couple of shows and stuff coming up and We might have to travel a bit" . 

"Oh" she looks down to the floor . 

"But i want you to come with me" i grin and she shoots a smile straight back up at me.



"I won't be a pain?" 

"Course Not!!" I shout . 

"My family as well ?"


"Oh my god Justin thank you" she leaps on me and clings to me tightly . We fall straight to the floor with a thud . 

"That's alright" i laugh . 

I play with her hair , Staring into her gorgeous eyes as we're laying on the floor . I kind of broke her fall . She leans her head in closer to mind and we crash our lips together . 

"I love you" i mumble into her lips . 

"I love you too" she mumbles back . 

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