Chapter 3

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Y/n's pov

It's been a couple of weeks since Tenko has been living with me. We had a some issues nothing too bad. He destroyed my couch and tv with his decaying quirk, but I was able to replace it all.

One of the main issue we're facing right now is that he refuses to go outside. He stirs wind watches tv all day. I'm totally fine with that since he's been living out on the streets, but he needs to enjoy the sun. Also I don't want to leave him home by himself. Too many prying eyes. Unwanted guests tend to sneak by my home.

"Tenko let's go somewhere", I suggested as I was fixing breakfast. He didn't reply so I looked out from the kitchens. He was watching one of the All Might cartoons. It was the episode where he took down a major supervillain, I'm pretty sure that series has 50 episodes. He just started watching the show three days ago.

"Tenko, we're going somewhere today", I said once again. He still didn't respond to me. I let out sigh then began putting his food on a plate. I walked out of the kitchen then placed the plate in front of him on the table. He didn't remove his eyes from the tv screen he started chowing down on the food. I sat down in the chair closest to the tv watching him. I waited until he was done eating to get and unplug the tv. He let out a gasp the looked at me.

"Why did you turn it off", he snapped. "Tenko, we are going somewhere today", I repeated. "I don't want to", he huffed causing me to fold my arms. "You have to come with me we're goi somewhere far", I explained. It looked like he got defensive for a moment.

"Don't worry I'm not going to leave you or turn you in somewhere, you're stuck with me", I said with a smile. "Now go get dress", I said. He let out a tired sigh then hopped off the couch. He ran to his new room to get dressed in. I started to pack my bag. When I was done Tenko came out of his room.

"Ready to go", I asked. He just nodded his head. I opened the front door and held it open for him. He walked out and headed straight for the jeep. I locked the door to the house then headed for the car.

"Oh! Y/n", a voice called causing Tenko and I to turn around. It was my neighbor Linda. She is a sweet old lady. She reminds you of your grandma the smell and everything. She's not too self aware of things so from time to time I check up on her making sure she's okay.

"Is that a nephew", she asked while walking up to the sodden fence that separated our houses. Tenko was about to launch himself at ready to decay her, but I grabbed him and picked up so I was holding him in my arms.

"Nope, He's my son", I replied. Tenko looked at me when I said that.

"Oh! A son, I didn't know you had a kid", she said. "Sometimes I forget too, he's hide in his room all day", I joked causing her to laugh. "Well if you ever busy one day and need someone to watch him, you can send him over here", she giggled. "Definitely will", I replied. "Y'all take care now", she said then went back to watering her garden.

I opened the back passenger seat doors and sat him in. Once he was seated I grabbed the seat belt and buckled him in. I closed the door and walked around to get into the driver side. I got in then placed my bag in the passenger seat. I put the key in ignition and turned the car on. Before I could put the car in reverse my phone went off. I grabbed it to see who was texting me. The caller ID was someone from UA. I opened it to see what the text said.

Where are you going?

I am going to the amusement park


"Who was that", Tenko asked from the back. "Just a scammer", I replied then put the car in reverse. I backed out the driveway then turned the wheel to the right to the car could back up to the right. Once the car was fully off the driveway I stopped backing, I shift the gear to D. I pulled off then started heading to the amusement park.

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