Chapter 9

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Y/n's pov

         "Do you have your pencils, books, anything you need for class", I asked as Tenko packed his bag.

        "Yes, I have everything mom", he replied while sipping up his bag. He stood up and placed the strap on his shoulder. I never been so scare in my life. Now I se what it feels when your child leaves to go to school.

        "You're ready then", I asked causing him to nod his head. "Well I guess you're ready then", I sighed. We headed for the front door, I opened it for him to step out.

          "You're going to do great", I said. Out of no where he pulled me into a hug. He then broke it then gave me a big smile.

         "See you later", he said then took off running. I watched as he did with a smile on my face.

Tenko's pov

         I bid my Mom goodbye and ran to school. I know it's wasn't too far from my home luckily. Along the way I saw all kinds of people. Mutants, office workers and etc. I shoved my way through the crowds, while avoiding touching anything of course.

         I slid to a stop when I stood in front of the legendary hero school, UA High School.

       I ran past the gates and ran straight for my class. Class 1A. I stop when I in front of the huge doors. I took a deep breath and walked in. The class was full of a lot of people of all different kinds of quirks. They rarely noticed that I walked in. So this is what being nervous feels like. I fucking hate it.

         I quickly went over to an empty seat and sat down.

         "Great, we got another weirdo in here", a voice said causing me to look over. It was guy with long shaggy blonde hair and a huge burn mark across the left side of his face.

"What's your quirk anyway", he asked. "I can disintegrate things", I replied. "Wait, so does that include people", he asked hesitantly nodded my head.

"Dude you're in the wrong course then", he laughed. "I heard there was a villain School not too far from here", he added causing his other friends to laugh.

"Now Miko, by how you're acting should you really be telling him that", a voice from behind me asked. We turned around to see a guy with white hair and blue eyes.

"I know your acting would totally get you into that school without a test", he added. "Stay out of this, just because your endeavor's son doesn't mean you get to boss us around", Miko snapped.

"Actually I can with or without that title", the boy replied. The blonde hair guy raised his left hand, it began turning red.

"I can easily burn you", Miko threatened. The guy behind hand turned into a blue flame.

"Go ahead and try it", the boy replied. It was a state down between the two until Miko finally lowered his hand.

"Psycho", he hissed as he turned around. "Don't listen to that guy, he always been like that", the guy said. "Thanks, I'm Tenko", I introduced.

"Im Touya Todoroki"


        Time went by fast once class finally started. I got to know Touya a bit better along the way. What's even better is that we live in the same neighborhood. It likes a 5 minute walk to his house. Once school was over with we headed home.

        "So since we're technically friends now, can you get rid of my homework", Touya asked. "What why", I replied. "So in case if I don't do it, I can just lie saying my dog ate or something", he explained.

"They'll never believe that", I replied. "Come on, I'll pay you", he begged. "Fine", I replied. "So you'll do it", he exclaimed. "Yeah, for $10 each", I stated as we stopped in front of my house.

"You're too stingy", he hissed. I saw that my Mom was waiting outside. "Is that your mom", Touya asked. "Yep that's her", I answered. He had a weird look on his face. He looked nervous or something like that.

"Do you know her", I asked. He was quiet for a moment then smirk at me.

"She's a Milf", he chuckled before running off. I watched a she did with a disgusted look on my face.

"Pervert", I scoffed then headed towards my mom who gave me a hug then we went inside to eat dinner.

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