Chapter 15

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Tenko's pov

A couple of days has past now, everything has settle down a bit. Even school life has gotten better. The teacher we originally had supposedly quit, I guess it was my mom's doing. We got a replacement teacher who actually wanted to teach us. They even come up to me without that judgmental look on there eye. The beat part is that even my classmates started to include me into things. I still don't fully trust them after everything that happens, but I'm slowly gaining more friends. Miko hasn't been bothering me lately either. I caught him glancing at me a couple of times, but that's it so far.

"Hey Tenko, are you hanging out with after school today", a classmate asked causing me to shake my head. "Not today, I have to do something after school", I replied. "That sucks, we'll see you tommrow then", he replied then walked back to his desk. I grabbed my bag and stood up then exit the classroom.

On my way out I bumped into something. I looked down to see it was the principal.

"Hello Tenko", he said while smiling up at me. I blinked at him before letting out a shock gasp then jumping back.

"IM SO SORRY I DIDNT SEE YOU", I shouted while bowing multiple times. He shook his head while waving his hands.

"No no it's quite alright, I'm glad I bumped into you anyways", he replied. "Is that so, is there something you need", I asked. "Follow me to my office", he said then began walking away, but I stayed out in my spot.

"Im sorry, but I have to get home", I said causing him to stop and turn around. "I figured your mom told you not to speak to me", he said, how did he know?

"No not at all I just have something to do", I lied. "Very well, give this to your mom then", he said while taking a envelope out his pocket and handing it to me. I took it and placed it in my pocket.

"I will, goodbye", I said then sped walk to the entrance. As I walked home I took out the envelope and stared at it. I held it above me to see if I could see any of the words, I couldn't see the me it was all scrambled. I frowned and placed the envelope back in my pocket.

I saw my mom was checking the mail. She noticed my presence and looked towards my direction.

"How was school", she asked. "It was great", I replied while digging in my pocket to get the envelope. I took it out and held it towards her.

"Tenko, you can't be putting envelopes in your pocket", she fussed while taking it from my hand. "It's indecent", she fussed."yeah yeah sorry", I replied. She suddenly smacked the top of my head with the envelope.

"Dont yeah yeah me", she snapped. "Sorry sorry, I won't do it again", I replied as I shields my head from the smacks. It didn't hurt, but she did look pissed so that what scared me the most. She stopped then began observing the envelope.

"Who is this from anyway", she asked. "Principal Nezu", I answered. I saw she froze monetarily then looked at me.

"I thought it old you to avoid him", she asked. "I bumped into him on my way out of class", I replied. "Ah okay", she replied.

"Hey Mom, I'm going to go see Uncle Mike is that okay", I asked. "Yeah of course, you don't have to ask", she replied. "Just let me know when you get to his house", she added. "Alright, I'll see you later then", I said then began walking to Uncle Mike's house.

The walk to Uncle Mike's house wasn't long, but it was still somewhat a long walk. I was waiting at the the crosswalk. I was scrolling through my phone when I felt something was off. I looked up to see something across the street. The person was standing in the exact spot I was standing, but they were on the opposite side of me.

       The person looked weird. They had no hair, but their face was shadowed except the sinister smirk on their face. It was like they were staring deep into my soul. The people around me started moving blocking my vision of the man. I began walking forward to see if I could spot him. He was gone.

       That man felt off. I brushed off the feeling and continued to Uncle Mike's home. I finally got there. I knocked on the door and waited for him to open it. After a minute he opened the door. He saw it was me and held it wider for me to step in.

        "Y/n told me you would be coming", he stated. "It's because I-you want to know about your mom", he finished. I nodded my head nervously. He nodded his head towards the couch then walked away. I sat down on the couch and paced my bag on the floor.

         He came back with a laptop and sat across from me. He began typing away on it. I looked around nervously as he did. What if something even worst she told me? What if it changes everything?

         "Tenko", Uncle Mike called causing me to look at him. "It's nothing bad, it just more about her", he stated. I stared at him before nodding my head. "Are you ready", he asked. I bawled my hands into a fist slightly and nodded my head. "I'm ready", I replied. He stared at me then fixed his glasses.

        "Let's begin then", he said then turned the laptop towards me.

3rd pov

        "So how are we going to do this", All Might asked a she walked with Nezu to his office. "You asked her", Nezu replied. All Might stopped dead on his tracks. He started chuckling dryly while shaking his head.

        "I think I miss heard you", he chuckled. "Nope you heard me correctly", Nezu replied."I never asked her anything", All Might stated. "I wrote a letter to her for you, she most likely thinks you wrote it", Nezu explained. "W-What did you specifically asked her", All Might asked her weakly.

       "Oh you know the usual, help us do this and we won't kick your son out of school and we won't cut her expenses", Nezu stated. It went dead silent for about 5 minutes. All Might coughed up some blood while clutching his stomach. He used his hand to grip the wall beside him.

        "I'm a dead man", he coughed causing Nezu to chuckle at his response.

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