3rd pov
"I repeat two villains are fighting in a civilian area, heroes needed on the scene immediately", Tenko heard from his earpiece. "What is she doing", Tenko fussed as he ran towards the area where the villains are fighting. Tenko glanced over when he saw someone running to catch up to him.
"Relax we got this", Touya smirked his hand emitting a blue flames. "Do not use that on her", Tenko replied. "Why not it's a villain, who is it anyway", Toya questioned. Before he could answer two laser beams came out of no where. Tenko held his arm out stoping Toua from running into it. The two ducked just in time as it swung over them. The two heroes stood up and finally they were able to see who the villains were. Y/n was sent flying back with a spear embedded in her stomach. She flew right past them, her body crashing into a budding behind her creating a huge dust smoke that engulf her body as it began collapsing. The two heroes squinted their eyes from the dust before reopening them.
"It's my mom", Tenko finally answered. "Didn't your mom retired so who she's fighting", Touya questioned activating his quirk again to engulf his hands with blue flames.
"That would be me", a voice answered causing the two to turn around as they stepped out from the smoke that was covering them. A man stood there, his whole body giving off a vibe you only feel when near an emperor someone considered important. The jewelry around his neck made small clinging noise each step her took.
"You two can leave we're having a personal conversation", the man spoke. "...In a civilian area", Tenko stated. "That's just collateral damage it'll get fixed", the man replied. Tenko and Touya glanced at each and nodded their head. They both proceeded to jump at the man who effortlessly dodged the two. The man was able to trip Touya when he swung his fist at him. The man then summoned two golden swirling portals behind his head. They both shot out some spears, one of them was able to snag onto Touya's costume being him flying to the wall and pinned him there. The man sent more sharp weapons at him to keep him pinned to the wall. A couple of more portals appeared in front of Touya with sharp weapon emerging from them daring him to move an inch off the wall.
"Good boy stay there", the man hummed. Tenko used that chance to rush up to him and duck down a bit to shoot his hand up. The man dodged him and side stepped around him. He shoved Tenko by pushing him away. The man summoned a portal to pull a Calvary sword out of it. Tenko turned over onto his back about to get up, but the man held the Calvary sword up to his neck daring him to try.
"Who are you", the man questioned. Tenko grabbed the sharp end of the blade distengrating is and jumped to his feet. A look of realization dawned on the man's face as he dodged Tenko's attack. The man jumoed back creating distance in between them.
"Are you Tenko", he questioned. "Come closer and I'll tell you", Tenko replied. The man summoned a bunch of portals to surround Tenko. Each had a sharp weapon sticking out from them threatening Tenko to move an inch.
"It's so good to finally meet you", the man exclaimed walking closer towards him, but stopped at an arm's length distance. "Who are you", Tenko barked. "That woman I swear... I'm Kenji Takao", Kenji introduced. "You're father", Kenji exclaimed holding his arms out.
"What the hell", Touya commented. "You're my dad", Tenko questioned. "Is that so hard to believe", Kenji chuckled. "I see you have some of my qualities, a killer quirk no better than mines of course", he stated. "You're not my dad", Tenko stated. "Your mother is Y/n L/n, my wife, so you are my son", Kenji explained. "So go on tell me what villain group are you with...BETTER YET which one are you leading", Kenji asked with a huge smile on his face.
"None", Tenko answered. "Excuse me what do you mean none", Kenji questioned. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm a hero", Tenko replied. It was like Kenji's whole demeanor changed. The proud smile on his face soon turned into rage and disappointment.
Some beams shot at Kenji which he dodged by simply moving his head to the side. Once they stopped heturned around seeing Y/n who was stomping towards him.
"I'm gone for what a couple of years and you already raised another disgrace of a son", Kenji snapped. "Least I kept him alive", Y/n snapped causing Kenji to roll his eyes. "Shit happens love", Kenji chuckled holding his arms outward a bit.
"We can always make another one", Kenji smirked. "I still got some lively ones up in me", he added. Y/n charged at Kenji swinging a leg straight for his head. A spear shot out from a portal chopping her leg off by the knee. Kenji dodged the dismember leg that went flying in the air. Y/n was able to keep het balance as she grabbed Kenji by his collar. She slammed her head hard against his skull sending him flying back. She began hopping towards him, her leg regrowing back.
"Mom you have to stop you're destroying the area", Tenko shouted. Y/n just smiled at him. "Don't we're almost done chatting", she replied now stalking towards Kenji again. "I'm going to kill him like I did so easily before", she sneered stomping towards him, her leg now fully regrown.
"As much as I like to die by your hand, not today dear", Kenji chucked as he stood up. Blood leaking down his face. "When you're ready to produce a worthy son come find me", he added. A bigger golden portal open dup from beneath him swallowing him whole. Y/n sprinted forward trying to reach the portal closed. The portal closed all the way as soon as she landed on top of it. She broke the concrete by slamming her fist down on top of it. She began digging it thought he dirt rapidly hoping he was hiding within the Earth. Tenko and Touya approach her watching her not sure if they sure stop her or not.
"Mom..", Tenko began. "I need to kill him, I have to kill him", she ranted. "As long as that bastard alive you're in danger I can't go through this again god not again", she ranted. "MOM", Tenko shouted snapping her out of her daze.
"Look I'm a hero now, I can defend myself you don't have to worry anymore", he explained. "You don't understand he's a supervillain", she stated. "So was All for One and I was able to defeat him", Tenko stated.
"We", Touya corrected.
"We were able to defeat All for One", Tenko corrected rolling his eyes. Y/n just stared up at the two then looked forward. "We can handle another one", he added. She let out a groan then let the smile grown on her face.
"As much as I hate this, I trust you two can handle your own against him", Y/n replied. "We can", Touya answered. "I'll talk to Nezu to tell him where you'll maybe find him", she explained. "Thanks", Tenko smiled. "Yeah yeah you're lucky I'm tired or I would've fussed at you both for trying to interfere", Y/n scoffed. "When Nezu alerts us where he is we'll handle him right", tench questioned. "Yeah yeah I'll stay out of the hero bullshit okay", she lied then began walking off. "I'll see you two later", Y/n called out quickly walking away. "And Tenko start using chapstick more", she added. "MOM", Tenkof fussed causing her to giggle. The reason Y/n left so quickly was because of the civilians will soon ask for property damage money once they got the guts to come out of their hiding spots.
"I'll find him ...I'll blast another hole into that bastard skull again"

My Little hero || Parent!Reader and Son!Shigaraki
Fanfiction"Y/n, you can't keep a child you found out in the streets" "Says who" "Says the government" "Does anyone listen to them anyway" #1 All Might 10/20/21 #1 Heroes 12/8/21 ✌🏾 #4 quirks 1/14/22✨