Chapter 20

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Y/n's pov

"Alright mom, I'm heading out", Tenko said. "Tenko hold on", I said as I walked over to him. He stopped and turned around to face me. I began to dust his school uniform.

         "How many times do I have to tell you, irony this out", I fussed. "I forgot, besides no ones going to worry about it", he replied. "Yeah yeah, but this is an uptight school they might have panic attack over you not being dressed well", I stated. "UA is t that uptight", he replied. I let out a sigh and placed my hands on his shoulders.

         "Tenko listen to me and listen to me good, don't you let anyone anyone not even me tell you what you can't do or can't be", I said. "Whatever path you chose to take, always remember I will always support you even if it's against my best wishes", I stated. "Mom, why are you talking like you're leaving forever", he chuckled cussing me to let him go.

         "Tenko I am a mom, moms have these talks", I said. "You either this or do you want me to tell you how babies were born again", I said causing him to make a face.

          "Please don't you explained it really bad", he said. I raised an eyebrow at him. "How you know I explained it wrong", I asked. He let to  it a nervous laugh causing me to shake my head.

           "Doesn't matter, just remember what I said, don't let no one tell you what you can't do or be", I said. "And that remember I love you forever and always", I said then ruffled his hair. "Thanks lol, I'll remember that", he said then headed for the door. He opened then turned to look at me.

"See you later mom", he said. "Later", I said with a smile. He smiled then closed the door. I always hated lying, I guess I started to after what happened with Akio. Who knew one little white lie could cause the death of my child. But this little white lie will save my other child.

I felt my phone buzz. I took it out of my pocket and looked at the screen. It was a set of coordinates from a unknown number. I guess that's where I'm meeting All for One. I took a deep breathe and then went to my room to get ready.

3rd pov

          "Boss why did you chose that place", a henchmen asked. The place was a deserted part of the city. The heroes use to use it as a training grounds, but deserted it due to the unstable buildings.

         "No one will be able to find us there", All for one answered. "What if someone's does", the henchmen asked. "There will be a forcefield set up, I have someone in the area to make sure", he answered. "Is that all the questions you have now", All for one asked. "Yes sir", the henchmen replied.

          "Remember to video everything", All for one said. "Wait I thought you didn't want anyone to find out", the henchmen asked. "I don't, but this is video is only for the boy", All for one answered. "This video will help me gain control over him", All for one stated. "But you're killing his mom", the henchmen stated.

           "Quirks are remarkable, some are useless some are useful, some are useless at one thing but useful for another", All for one stated. "Who knew their would be a quirk that could replace a person in a video", All for one said then stood up. "Just get the camera ready and be there", All for one said then left the room.

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