Chapter 7

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Y/n's pov

        "You sure you got this", I asked Haven. "Don't worry about us, I'll make sure I distract him", they replied. Tenko came out of his room with a gloomy look on his face.

          "Do I have to go", he mumbled. "Im going is where far and I don't nest you here by yourself", I replied. Haven bent down a bit so they are eye level with Tenko.

          "It be a shame if you stay here", they aid while taking someone out of their pocket. Haven held up two movie tickets.

           "Do you know what these are", Haven asked causing Tenko to shake his head. "These are the movie tickets to the latest movie, All Might: Quest to the Witch Mountain", Haven exclaimed. I swear Tenko looked like he was going to explode with excitement.

           "So you ready to go", Haven asked causing Tenko to nod his head rapidly. He ran toward me and hugged my legs. Then ran to Haven who stood by the door. Haven held the door open for him to walk out. Before they left they turned towards me and gave me a wink then left.

          "That was easy", I sighed. "Kids are easy to persuade", Micheal added. "I still don't understand why I'm here", he fussed. "Because you're his uncle and I need help to plan his party", I replied. "Alright what do we have so far", he asked. "I ordered a All Might cake", I answered. "Anything else", he asked. "What do you mean", I asked. He gave me a are your serious look.

"Y/n, did you ever have a birthday party", he asked. "I don't really remember", I replied. "We will need banners, balloons and we already have a cake", he stated. "So we have everything", he added.

"Alright I'll go get the cake and you go get the other stuff", I said. "Anything that resemble All Might right", he asked. "Right on", I replied with a smile. "Let's just hurry and the stuff", he as we headed for the front door. Once he walked out of the house I turned around and locked the front door. He got into vehicle and I got into mines. I turned on the car then pulled out of the driveway.

I finally arrived at the cake shop, luckily no one was in there besides the workers. I pulled into the parking lot and turned the car off. I took the keys out of ignition then got off the car, locking it of course. I walked into the cake shop, the bell above the door alert the worker at counter.

"Hello miss, what can I do for you today", he asked. "Hi, I ordered a cake it should be ready", I replied. "Name", he asked. "Y/n l/n", I answered. He nodded his head then walked into the back.

After a couple of minutes he came back out. "It'll be ready shortly", he said with a smile. I felt my phone vibrate so I pulled it out of my pocket.

I got the stuff
Heading home now


"Here's you cake miss", the worker said causing me to look up. I walked closer to the counter and opened the cake box. It was All Night's cartoon face as a cake.

"It's perfect", I said while pulling out my credit card and handing it to the worker. Once he swiped it he handed it back to me. I grabbed the cake box and began to leave.

"Hey, have I seen you before", he asked. "I don't think so", I replied. He shook his head with a huge smile on his face.

"You're her", he stated. "You're that woman! You were responsible for that incident a few years back", he exclaimed while form behind a counter.

"I'm in a group that worship people like you", he said. "When are you going to start up again, what group are you in now", he asked while walking towards me. "I suggest you stay the hell away from me", I snapped while glaring at him. He raised his hands while backing away.

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