Chapter 17

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Y/n's pov

        I slammed open the door to Principal Nezu's office. I glared straight at All Might who was standing behind Nezu.

         "Ah I see you're here", Nezu said with a smile. I didn't say anything only walked forward and stood in front of his desk still glaring daggers up at All Might.

        "You know I really don't care much for threats", I said. "But it takes a hero with a lot of fucking balls to threaten to kick my son out of school for no goddamn reason", I sneered. Nezu raised his little hand causing me to look down at him.

    "We had to get you here somehow", Nezu said. I glared at him before signing. I sat down in the seat in front of him.

"What do you want", I asked. "I don't know if you realized this but your son is in danger", Nezu answered. "As much as you don't want to believe it, but your son's quirk can be seen as a villainous type quirk", he added. "And because of that certain people will try to come after him", he said.

"Certain people", I questioned. He lift a button to turn on the projection. The screen appeared on the wall on my left side. The lights dimmed so I could see what was on there.

On the screen was a man with very charred skin. He had no eyes or nose only burned skin. He did have a mouth, he had a very sadistic smirk on his face.

"This is All for One, a very dangerous and powerful man", Nezu stated. "His quirk consist of stealing quirks and giving them to others if he wishes to", he explained. "We had a few running with him", he said.

"Okay, how does relate to my son", I asked while folding my arms. "He may come after your son", Nezu answered. "You have any proof to back that up", I asked. "We know what type of people he targets and kill, we are certain he will", All Might stated.

"Then protect my child, isn't that what you heroes do", I asked. "This man is far too powerful for us and we can't let the public know about someone like him just yet", Nezu stated. "We believe that maybe you can take him down", he added. I looked at him before letting out a laugh.

"You're kidding right", I laughed. "You want my help? A ex villain help", I added with a smile. "Please Y/n, you know how villain think and he is just as powerful as you", All Might said while stepping forward. "You are our only hope in taking him down", he added. I just stared at him then glanced back at the screen.

       "This man killed Tenko's grandmother", All Might said. "Like I said before I don't care", I replied then looked at him. "He is my son, I will do what I believe benefits him and him only", I added while standing up.

       "Now I decline you're offer have a nice day", I said as I began to leave. "I didn't want to come to this, but if you decline we will expel Tenko", Nezu said causing me to freeze.

        "What", I asked while turning around. "Since you won't defeat All for One, we won't be able to protect all our students from him if he were to show up here looking forward Tenko", Nezu explained. "So we will expel Tenko to protect the others", he added.

       "It be a shame don't you think", he said. I just glared down at him. I felt my fist bawl up, my nails dug into my skin cutting it a bit. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh as hands relax a bit.

        "What do you want me to do", I asked. "When we find his location, we will let you know", Nezu said with a smile. "Have a nice day snd thank you for your cooperation", he added. I glared at him then up at All Might who had a sadden look on his face. I headed for the door and opened it. I stepped out slamming the door behind me.


       "I hate these damn heroes, there all the ducking same", I mumbled angrily as I stormed out of UA. As I was heading for the entrance I saw someone walking towards me. It was a boy with long blonde hair, a long burn mark on the side of his face and angry look on his face. He stopped once we got a bit close to each other.

"Do I know you", I asked. "You don't remember me", he asked with an irritated look. He moved his hair a bit to show me his burn mark more.

       "You ducking gave me this", he shouted. "I have never seen you in my life, I'm sorry", I said while walking passed him. As I was walking I felt something hit the back of my head it felt hot. Once it stopped I lift my hand to touch the back of my head, the back of my hair was gone. It grew back quickly though. I turned around to see the boy had his hands raised and aimed at me. He had an anger look on his face.

      "I am Miko, you killed my grandfather known as Lava Ranger", he stated as his hands began to glow. "I WILL KILL YOU TO AVENGE MY GRANDFATHER'S DEATH", he screamed then shot another wave of Lava at me.

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