➪Tenko's first day of school!

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Y/n's pov

        "Smile boy", I snapped as I started sobbing again while holding my phone up. Tenko was standing in front of me miserable and tired. His all might shirt was tucked in with some white shorts on. He put on the biggest smile he could muster.

         It was creepy as hell, but he was my son so he looked adorable.

         "Y/n why are you crying", Micheal groaned rubbing his eye. I woke him and Haven up as well.

         "Y/n love, did you need to wake us up at 6 in the morning", Haven yawned. "I need my beauty sleep", Haven added. "You two are uncles, this is a very important moment", I sniffled. "Tenko will have at least a dozen first days", Micheal groaned. "And? This is his very first day", I stated. "Oh my good I can't stop crying", Y/n cried. "You are dramatic, I'll dive", Micheal yawned. "Im going back home, have a good day Tenko", Haven added then started heading towards their car.

        "Come on let's go", Micheal groaned as we headed to my car. He got into the driver seat while I helped Tenko get into the back seat. Once I was down I closed the door then got into the passenger side. The school wasn't too far from my home so it was about a 20 minute drive. We pulled up to to the curve parking the car then got out. I helped Tenko get out of his seat. He grabbed my hand as we walked towards the entrance of the school. All the other kids were walking inside or telling their parents goodbye. I turned to Tenko stooping down to his height.

      "I know it's scary, but you'll do awesome today", I croaked. He just stared at me tiredly. "I'll be fine", he yawned. "I know you will", I sniffled. He watered heading inside, but after the third step he stopped. He turned around running towards me and brought me into a hug. I smiled as I hugged him back. He broke the hug then hurried inside before the bell ringed.


I stood outside waiting for Tenko, I hope he did okay today. I saw all the kids pouring out from the double doors. I waited for Tenko to appear when he did my eyes widen.

This boy whole white shirts were now splattered with paint and markers. His shirt was untucked and had stickers all over it.

He walked up to me with a nonchalant look on his face.

"Tenko, why are you're clothes tore up", I asked. "It was art day", he stated then walked pass me heading towards the car. I turned to see his backup was unzip filled with papers. I let out annoyed brown and began following him.

"You are not allowed to wear black no more", I fussed as I helped him into the car.

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