Y/n's pov
"You want to what now", I asked Tenko who was was standing beside me as I washed the dishes.
"Can we please go see Hero con", he asked while grasping his hand together to make a prayer motion.
" I really want to go see heroes", he begged causing me to sigh. "You want to go see them", I asked into for him to nod. "I mean they don't seem that cool", I added. He had a shock look on his face then ran out of the kitchen. He the ran back in here with a magazine in hand. He opened it to show different types of hero info.
"These guys are really really cool", he exclaimed a she flipped through the pages. He stopped on one page to show me another hero. It was All Might, the number 1 hero.
"Please I really want to go", he begged. I was going to say no, but then he began giving me puppy dog eyes. It was a 5 minute stare down until I gave up.
"Fine, how much is it", I asked. He let out a chuckle while scratching the back of his head. "$100 a person", he mumbled. "You're lucky we're rich", I fussed while pulling out my phone to purchase the tickets. Once I was done buying them I showed him the receipt on my phone.
"We'll go tomorrow", I said then bright my phone back up to me. Tenko hugged my leg while giving me a huge smile.
"THANK YOU", he exclaimed then ran out of the kitchen. I smiled then let out a sign. I need to learn how to say no to that kid.
"Come on Tenko, we need to get there early", I shouted while standing by the front door."Coming", he shouted. I heard hurried footsteps heading my way. I was about to open the door, but stopped when I saw what he wearing.
"Tenko, you slept in that", I said. He was wearing his All Might onesie. "I want to show him it", he replied. "I'll let you wash it when we come back", he added while holding his hands together in a begging motion.
"Fine, remind me to wash it", I sighed as I unlocked the door. He did a little cheer and rushed outside. I waved to Ms. Linda as I headed to the car. I opened the back passenger side and help Tenko get inside. I bucked him up then closed the door. I walked around the car and got inside the driver seat. I turned around so I was facing Tenko.
"Don't forget Tenko, when someone ask for your name it's Tenko L/n", I said causing him to nod. "I know", he replied. I smiled at him then turned back around and started the car up. I pulled out of the driveway and started heading to where the Hero con was at.
It was a long drive there, but we arrived early so not many people were present. I was able to park the car closer to the entrance thankfully. I got out of the driver seat then helped Tenko out of the back passenger side. He hopped out and ran from the car, but I hurriedly grabbed him by the back of his shirt. I pulled him back by my side.
"You can't run out into the street like that", I fussed. "Sorry", he replied then I released him. "It's okay, let's go", I said as I held my hand out for him to grip. He grabbed it then we started heading to the entrance.
The line wasn't that long so we only stood for a no less than 5 minutes. The guy looked at us then typed away on his computer. Then he handed us our lanyards that had the tickets inside. I took it out of his hands and put one on Tenko. Then place the other one on me. Tenko was shaking with excitement as we pass the ticket area and towards to where the heroes were located.
There were a lot of booths for different heroes. It kind of uncomfortable. I looked down to see Tenko's eyes widen with excitement and he had the biggest smile he could muster on his face. He grabbed my hand and began pulling forward.

My Little hero || Parent!Reader and Son!Shigaraki
Fanfiction"Y/n, you can't keep a child you found out in the streets" "Says who" "Says the government" "Does anyone listen to them anyway" #1 All Might 10/20/21 #1 Heroes 12/8/21 ✌🏾 #4 quirks 1/14/22✨