Chapter 12

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3rd pov

All Might stormed into Nezu's office after the incident at the L/n resident. Of course, he went to recovery girl first to heal his hand then rushed to Nezu's office.

"I figured it didn't go well", he said as the hero collapsed in the lounging chair near his desk. He suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke that covered his whole body. Once the smoke cleared it shown that All Might was now smaller and skinner.

"She could've killed me", he coughed. "I probably should've warned you, my apologize", Nezu replied. "No no it's alright, I just want to know who is she", he said. "Alright, I'll tell you who she is". He said. He suddenly press a button on his desk causing the office room door to lock itself. The lights slightly dimmed itself as well.

Nezu typed away on his computer for a bit. Then huge tv screen on the wall turned on. On the screen showed Y/n, except she had a very dark look on her face and she looked more dirty than clean. She also looked more psychotic, even if she wasn't smiling. If you looked closer you would see some specs of blood on her face.

"Have you heard the name Empress", Nezu asked. "It's sounds familiar, a villain right", he asked causing Nezu to nod his head. Nezu hopped out of his chair and went to stand by the tv screen.

"She was a big time villain back then, possible worst than All for One if we had to be on it", Nezu stated. "She was with a group of them, they were called The Empire", he stated.

"The group consist of random people at times, but the majority were these", Nezu said then tapped the screen causing it to change. It showed a picture of a man with psychotic smile who's name said Kenji at the bottom of the photo, Y/n, Micheal, Haven, Akio and other people. It was around 30 people, the main 4 pictures were slightly bigger than the others showing that the others either didn't stay long or just were henchmen.

"From what we learned, Kenji was the leader of the group and also Y/n's lover", Nezu stated. "Their villainous goal was to tear down the hero society and rebuild it again from the ground up to make it how they want it to be ran, with them at the top", Nezu explained.

"Who's the kid", All Might asked. "That is Kenji's and Y/n's child, Akio L/n", Nezu answered. "Got it, so we know y/n, where are the others", All Might asked.

"They're dead", Nezu answered while tapping the screen. All the the pictures in the screen beside Y/n had a huge "terminated" slash across their picture.

"When the group was still around we focused more on Y/n and Kenji since they were the real threat to everyone", Nezu explained. "They were true villains, they destroyed homes, killed numerous people from old to young, anything you would imagine a villain doing", Nezu stated. "Y/n was extremely worst she was an unstable individual and hard to kill", Nezu added. "She killed some of heroes in broad daylight", Nezu sighed. "What changed", All Might asked.

"On one of their attacks caused Akio's death, he was crushed to death by a fallen building", Nezu stated. "He was the key to destroying the building, we never found out how he was able to, but it did cause his death", he added.

"After that incident, Y/n came to us", Nezu said. "She came to you? For what to turn herself in", All Might asked.

"No, she wanted to make a deal", Nezu answered. "If she were to destroy The Empire and all the people in it, we will give her endless money supply and a home she can live peacefully in", Nezu explained. "No cameras, no heroes lurking around her home, etc", Nezu added.

"Why would you take that, she's a villain", All Might said. "She should be rotting in a high tech prison", he added. "I was thinking the same thing, but I had no choice in the matter", Nezu replied. "What do you mean", All Might asked.

"She told me she would kill them one way or another, and if I didn't accept the deal she would go to UA high and destroy everything and everyone", Nezu said. "Heroes, workers, students, anyone who she found", he added.

"That's terrible", All Might mumbled. "So I had to take the deal, we couldn't suffer a tragedy like that", Nezu sighed. "So how she did do it, how did she destroy them all", All Might asked.

"She made it look like the group turned on each other then destroyed the building covering all the bodies", Nezu answered. "This is too much, we can't let that kid live with a monster like that", All Might suggested causing Nezu to shake his head.

"We secretly been observing her, once Tenko was in his middle school years we were able to see that he kept her stable and under the radar", Nezu explained. "So he's helping us keep an eye on her", All Might stated. " Precisely, without his knowledge of course", Nezu replied.

"But that's not what bothers me about her", Nezu said then tapped the screen. Numerous of photos popped on the screen of Y/n.

"Notice something about these photos", Nezu asked. All Might looked over at each photo. He still didn't get it so he shook his head.

"Look at the dates", Nezu said. All might looked at each picture once again, he noticed the year by each one. He hopped out of his seat to get a closer look.

One photo was 2120, another was 2109, another 2087, and another 2069.

"Are you telling me she's immortal", All Might asked wide eyed. "Yes, I had someone look into it and we found these few photos of her", Nezu answered. "She's like All for one, over 100 years old", he gasped stumbling back a bit.

"Let's not freak out, I have been developing a plan", Nezu said. "What is it", All Might asked. "If we play our cards right we could get her on our side", Nezu answered. "On our side for what", All Might asked. Nezu smiled at him then tapped the screen to show only a picture of Y/n and All for One.

"We'll get them to fight each other, in hopes Y/n comes out victorious or die along with him"

Author: sooo I looked up what year Midioriaya school year takes place. People said it was around 2148
Author: also that All for one is over 100 years old

 People said it was around 2148 Author: also that All for one is over 100 years old

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Author: I know it's not accurate probably, but it helps with the story.

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