Chapter 19

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Tenko's pov

         "Well what do you think", my mom ask as she held the blue stained towel. I looked up into the mirror to see my light blue hair. I picked at it and ruffled my hair with a smile on my face.

         "It looks perfect", I said while a smile. "Good cause that stuff wasn't cheap", she said with a smile. I smiled at her through the smile then dropped it.

"Hey mom, will you ever forget about me", I asked causing her to give my a confused look. "Now why would you ask that I could never forget you", she replied. "I know", I replied with a small smile. "I got to go now, I'll see you later", I said then headed for my room.

"Where you going", she asked following me behind me. "To visit Ms. Linda", I replied. "Tell her I say hi okay", my mom aid then went headed for the slicing room. "I will", I said then entered my room. I got dress into my casual clothes then left my room ready to head out. I saw my on on the couch looking at her phone worridly.

"Is something the matter", I asked causing her to look up at me. "Nothing just tired", she mumbled. "If you hear from Micheal let me know", she added. "Is something the matter with him", I asked. "No, he usually likes to go awol for a couple of days, but something just feels off", she mumbled then shook her head. "It's probably nothing, you just get going and don't be out late", she said causing me to nod my head. I told her goodbye and then left the house.

           I took the nearby bus to head to the hospital. After an hour ride I made it there. I got off the bus and walked across the street towards the hospital. I walked in and headed straight for the front desk. I signed the visitation list then headed for Ms. Linda's room. I made it to Ms. Linda's room and knocked on the door. I heard a quiet come in and I opened the door.

           "Why if it isn't the future hero", she said with a smile. I smiled at her as I sat down in the chair next to her bed.

            "How are you feeling", I asked. "Miss my home, these people's do not know how to cook", she fussed as her eyes remained on the tv screen. I looked to see she was watching the hero network, a hero was able to defeat yet another villain.

           "I assume you came here for a reason", she said. "Uh well", I mumbled trying to form words. "It's alright dear I'm not offended, your mother keeps me company", she said. "I just have a question", I said. "Go head ask away", she replied.

           "How did you meet my mother", I asked. "Your mother thinks we met when she moved into that house", she answered. "I actually met her when I was about 17 years old", she stated.

"Back then I had a little rebellious phase some might say", she chuckled. "I ran with a group, we called ourselves the hero hunters", she said. "We didn't really do much damage only minimal such as graffiti and such things", she exclaimed. "Our leader, Steven wanted us to try jumping a hero for once", she said. "Of course we all agreed and try targeting the weakness hero, unfortunately we ran into a medium power level one", she said.

"How did you escape", I asked. "Your mother arrived", she replied. "She bested that hero into a bloody pulp", she boasted while raising her fist. "Once your mother was done beating that hero she looked at us with an evil intent in her eyes and a huge frown on her face, the usual one when a parent is about to scold their child", she explained.

"She said we should just give us being villains then took off", she said. "After that our group disbanded, but I never forgot her and it was even more surprising for her to become my neighbor", she said.

"How long ago was this", I asked. "About 63 years ago", she answered. So it was true, my mother really is immortal. I did believe Uncle Mike, but I had my doubts.

"Tenko, your mother may not be a normal person, but is anyone normal these days anyway", she chuckled. "But what you do know is that she loves you and would never do anything that harms you or your future", she added. I nodded my head while smiling at her.

"I know, I was just curious that's all", I replied. "Good, now since we're done go asked that nice nurse lady for some jello", she asked. I saw that there were three empt jello cups on her table.

"Don't question just go ask", she said. "Alright alright", I said as I stood up. "That's my bo, she said with a smile. I walked out of the room and began looking for a near by nurse.

I guess this clears up everything my mother ha even hiding from. Honestly I don't care as much anymore. Sure it was a shock to find out she was big time villain, but she's changed. I have hard proof evidence that she's changed.


              She took me in and off the street even when I threatened to kill her. I looked down at my hand as I opened and closed it. She didn't fear my quirk not once. My original family did and that result in there downfall. Even thought she despises heroes and was originally a villain, but she still supported me in becoming a hero.  If people like her and me can change then anyone can! When I become a hero I will give the message that anyone can change no matter what background. That they can change for the better and try to become a hero! That what heroes are here for! To protect us like just like how All Might!

    Out of no where I felt a sense of dread when I thought of that. No there's no doubt in my mind, heroes are a good people and are here to protect us right?

Y/n's pov

         "Haven, have you heard from Micheal", I asked on the phone. "No, he's went AWOL i'm kind of worried", they replied. "Okay, I'll let you know if you here anything from him", I sighed. "Y/n", Haven called causing me to hum into the phone.

           "Something about this doesn't feel right, watch your back", they said then hanged up. That's weird, but I'll listen to their advice. I heard someone knock on the door causing me to stand up. I walked towards the door and opened it to see a box in front of me. It was all white with a little red bow on it.

            If this is a bomb I swear. I bent down and looked at the tag on it.

            You took something if mine, so I too something of yours - AFO

            "I'm pretty sure I didn't steal anything", I mumbled then pulled the bow. The box fell apart showing me what was inside.

             It was Micheal's head

            "No, no no", I mumbled as I lift his head. Something in me hopes the rests his body would be revealed.

             "Not again, I've been good", I whimpered as I cradled his head in my lap. I rubbed the cheeks on his face as my tears drops fell on them making it look like he was crying as well. I looked back at the letter on the box, my eyes zoomed in on the initials.


           All For One

He wants my son, he will not lay a single gaze on my son. Not even over my dead body.

I opened my phone and dialed Nezu's number. It ranged fir a few minutes then he picked it up.

"I assume he contacted you", Nezu said. "Listen to me and listen to me good, you better protect my son", I sneered then took a deep sigh.

"If I don't make it, make sure my son has a good life, if you as so much as let him get hurt, lose his way or let any one of those goddamn heroes harm him I will come back and fucking kill every single one of you with my bare hands", I threatened. His side went quiet.

"Do you got that", I asked. "Yes we did, we will let him come to school tomorrow and keep him there till you two are finished", he said. "We will set up the meeting point then send it to you", he added. "You can contact him", I questioned. "We have our ways, it was nice working with you Ms. Y/n", Nezu said then hanged up. I picked up Micheal's head and kissed his forehead then headed for the backyard to where I will hurt him.

I can't let Tenko see any of this. I must protect him, I couldn't protect my previous child. I can't bear to lose another.

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