Chapter 18

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Y/n's pov

        I dodged the wave of lava quickly by jumping to the side quickly. He moved his hand causing the lava wave to move towards where I was, but I kept dodging it. Once I was closer to the ground, I ducked low to avoid the wave and rushed towards him.

      Due to my speed it was too late for him to realize what I was going. I appeared beside him and lift my hand and grabbed his face and pushed forward causing him to fall back on to the ground.  I slammed his head onto the concrete, not too hard, but enough to kill him nor knock him out.

He growled in pain and grabbed my arm that was holding him down with both of his hands. I saw his hands begin to light up, but stopped glowing when he sneered in pain.

"You're burning yourself, give up", I said. "Oh so you care now", he scoffed. "You didn't care when you made my dad burned my face you bitch", he screamed as he theater around. I left his head and slammed it on the ground again. He stopped thrashing when I did.

"Look I'll release you if you promise not to attack me", I said. He gripped my arm still glaring up at me from beneath my hand.

         "You can't kill me but I can't easily kill you so now stoped attack on game", I snapped. He glared up at me still, but his gripped lessened. He realized his hands off my arms and placed them back on his sides. I slowly released my hand off his face. Once I was sure he wasn't going to attack I let him go. He sat up so now he was sitting upright. He wrapped his arms around his knees with his head between his legs as he released pants.

         "If it helps can you tell me what I did", I asked. "You don't have to or an-"No, I want you to hear, I want you to remember how much pain you caused my family", he snapped as he lift his head to flare at me.

"My grandfather was always a kind man, from what I heard from my parents", he stated. "He was the perfect example of a good hero just like All Might", he added. "He was kind, strong and heroic", he stated.

         "Then you killed him right in front of my dad's eyes", he said. "You made my grandfather give my father this same mark on my face even when he begged you not it ", he snapped while pointing at the burn mark on his face. "After that my father, became cold even with a such a quirk that let's him shoot fireballs", he said. "After that my father grew older than married my mom then had me", he explained. "Luckily my older brother did not belong to my father so he was safe from my father", he stated.

         "Before you ask my father was kind even after my grandfathers death I wasn't sure if it was real or fake kindness, but once he found out you were still alive he snapped", he explained. "At the age of 5 he began training me to become the next top hero and strong enough to kill you", he explained.

         "He believed he was too old to be able to fight you so he passed the task down to me", he stated. "And gave me this mark to help me remember the task", he added while touching his scar. "If you didn't kill my grandfather none of this would've happened", he snapped. "This is your doing, not my dad, not my grandfather, you", he sneered while pointing at his scar.

        "I'm...sorry as much as I want to feel bad I cannot", I said. "Then just die then that will help", he replied. "If I could I would, but now I can't", I said while standing up.

        "I suggest you release that grudge you have against me", I said. "If you can't that's fine, but don't drag my son into the mess I caused", I added while looking down at him. He glared up at me then looked forward.

         "You're son is a great guy", he mumbled. "But I hope he realize just how terrible of a person you truly are", he said. "I think he knows I am", I replied. "Which is why my son is destined, he can forgive someone like me so easily", I added. "I am sure you are destined for greatness as well", I said. Before he could reply the bell rung and soon after that loads of students began pouring out. Emerging from the crowd was Tenko who was running out. He stopped when he saw the boy and I in front of him.

           "Mom? What are you doing here", Tenko asked. "I came to pick you up", I replied with a smile. "I'm too old for that", he mumbled then looked at the boy on the ground.

            "Miko", he said while nodding his head. Miko looked at him then nodded his head back then stood up. He glared at me then began walking away.

            "Did something happen", Tenko asked. "Accidentally bumped into him"; I replied. "You didn't try to hurt him", Tenko asked causing me to fake gasp. "I would never", I gasped. "I told you he doesn't mess with me anymore", he chuckled. "Still Tenko", I said as we began walking.

            "Oh by the way is it okay if I dyed my hair", he asked. "Sure I guess, what color are going to dye it", I asked. "Maybe a light blue, it is a nice color", he replied. "Hmm alright, make sure you get the right product", I said causing him to nod his head.

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