Tenko's pov
The alarm went off finally. Tenko and I took off running into the building. We ran fast up each stair case. The bomb must be on the highest floor since it's being protected. As we were about to enter the 4th staircase. A flood of lava came rushing down the stairs. Touya grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back just in time before the lava touched my foot.
"Shame you dodged it", Miko cooed as he walked through the lava as he descended from the stairs. Touya and I took a huge jump back away from. He stood across of us with his flowing red hands.
"I can finally get rid of you freaks", he laughed then shots bunch of lava flow from his mouth. Touya and I pressed our backs onto the wall as the lava flew pass us. Once the lava flow was gone Touya stepped out and shot a bunch of fire at Miko. He dodged just in time, but didn't notice me running towards me.
Once I was close I started trying to punch him, but he was able to deflect them with ease. Each punch I there he countered them. I was able to get one in on his face, but he rarely fazed by it.
"Come on Tenko, use your quirk or are you scared", he laughed, I just ignored him as I kept trying to punch him. I saw he opened his mouth wide causing me to jump back and duck. I laid flat on the ground as the lava shot pass me from above me. Touya jumped across me and rushed at Miko.
"GO TENKO", he shouted as he kept shooting flames enough to cover the whole hallway, he was a blocking Miko.
I nodded my head and rushed up the stairs fast. "GET BACK HERE FREAK", Miko shouted as I ran.
I ran as fast as I could up the stairs, we're running out of time. Finally I made it to the top floor, I opened the doors quickly. A rock the size of a footbal was launched towards me. I bent backwards to dodge it then lift my upper half up just in time. Good thing I did yoga training.
"Stay back Hero", the guy shouted. A huge swarm of rocks were levitating my him surrounding the bomb. I took a deep breath then rushed forward. He threw the swarms of rocks at me, they were t aimed at me. Some either recent pass me or came straight at me. I raised my hand and touched the rocks that were close to touching me, disintegrating them once I touch them. The dust did cover my eyes, but I kept pushing through. The guy began to panic and started to produce more rocks, but it was useless. I was just two steps close to him and the bomb.
Suddenly the door sheiks me slammed open. I looked back to see a huge wave of lava coming towards me. I jumped out of the way, but some of the lava scorched my right arm sleeve. I felt a small area of my arm burn at the touch causing me to hiss.
"I finally got away from your friend", Miko laughed while stalking forward, how did he get pass Touya?
"He shouldn't really rely on fire too much", he laughed before lifting his hands. He had a look of pain on his face as he stor more lava at me. I ran to dodge them, but the lava he shot out of his hands were endless. It was like it was chasing me.
"WATCH IT MIKO", the guy shouted. "Shut it and just dodge it", Miko snapped. Miko finally stopped shorting lava from his hands, this is my chance. I ran at him quickly. He noticed how close I was getting to him. He lift his hands ready to shoot loads once more, but it was too late. I ducked down low and end under his arms. I shot my fist upward towards his chin, punching him square in the jaw. He stumbled back holding his chin from the pain. I ran way from him and ran towards the bomb.

My Little hero || Parent!Reader and Son!Shigaraki
Fanfiction"Y/n, you can't keep a child you found out in the streets" "Says who" "Says the government" "Does anyone listen to them anyway" #1 All Might 10/20/21 #1 Heroes 12/8/21 ✌🏾 #4 quirks 1/14/22✨