The secrets

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I woke up a couple hours later to clattering noises outside the door. I glanced down at Colin who had his face still pressed into my chest and was breathing softly while holding my waist tightly. I then looked at my alarm clock and '12:56' flashed in red.

I sighed and pulled away from Colin, careful not to wake the man-child. Once unstuck from him I grabbed Phoenix's red hoodie and threw that on before twisting the door nob and opening the creaky door. I quietly tip-toed into the hallway and looked down both ways before walking into the kitchen where the banging was coming from.

I slowly peeked around the corner of the wall that separated the kitchen from the living room and my eyes went wide in shock. Phoenix was in there, drunk as could be and was throwing things around while trying to make some sort of sandwich.

"Phoenix!" I hissed at him and pulled my eyebrows in, distraught. "What in God's name do you think your doing?" I asked him in a angry whisper.

"I'm trying to make a goddayum sandwich that's what I'm doing!" He exclaimed loudly while slamming a cupboard. I stumbled back a little, my eyes going wide. Phoenix hasn't gotten drunk in almost four years.

"Your drunk. Go lay down, I'll make your sandwich." I told him while walking up and prying the peanut butter out of his grip.

"Dont tell me what to do! I can make my own sandwich women!" He yelled while raising his hand in the air. I stared at him intensely, daring him to hit me.

"You can hit me. But if you do, were over and your moving out. Understood?" I told him sternly with my fists at my hips. He stared at me for a moment, his hand still in the air before he slowly returned it to his side and walked out of the kitchen.

I sighed once he walked past me and walked over to the counter, grabbing the bread and butter knife. I quickly made his sandwich and sat it on a plate before pouring him a glass of milk.

I grabbed the meal and walked out of the kitchen, into the living room where Phoenix was laying sprawled across the couch, watching football with a beer in his hand.

I sighed and sat the food and drink on the table and grabbing his beer out of his hands. "Hey! Im not finished with that women!" He protested loudly, reaching for the drink.

"First off, you know I don't allow alcohol in my home, second off I swear to god himself if you call me women one more time I'm going to smash this beer over your drunken head Phoenix." I told him seriously with my hip popped and the beer dangling over his head.

I watched as he visually gulped and looked at the beer frightfully. "Okay. Sorry. Thanks for the sandwich wo- Darla." He said with  a shaky smile. I nodded and walked out of the living room with his beer in my hand.

I dropped his beer in the garbage and then walked over to the door, grabbing my coat along the way. "I'm going out! Be back later!" I hollered at a sleeping Phoenix while putting my purse over my head. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the apartment, locking the door behind me.

When I got to the lobby I said hi to the doorman, who's name was Tom. He's a nice older man with a soft smile and wise grey eyes. He's like a grandpa to me.

When I got outside I quickly pulled up my hood to protect my hair from the fierce winds. I fast walked to my truck and got in as quick as possible, slamming the car door and cranking the heat up.

I rubbed my hands together and blew on them before putting my key in and peeling out of the parking lot. I drove down Winchester street and stopped at this small cafe called 'Blue Love'.

I pulled into the parking lot and got out before walking into the cafe. Immediately the smell of fresh coffee and donuts hit my nostrils making me smile with my eyes closed.

"May I help you?" I young girl, maybe sixteen asked me. Her name take read 'Chelsea'.

"Oh um I'll have a coffee with vanilla cream and lots of sugar and a cinnamon swirl donut please." I told her while forking over a twenty. She gave me my change and told me my number before taking the next persons order.

I walked over to a booth near the front and sat my things down next to me before taking out my phone to see I had a message from James.

Hey Dar.

Oh hi J.

I got an instant text back.

Wyd? U wanna meet up 4 coffee or somethun latr?

I'm actually getting coffee right now . Wanna get dinner 2nite @ Flashys? I'll $.

Sure. C U then love.

I smiled as I put my phone in my back pocket just as my number got called. I walked up to the front and grabbed my drink and donut while nodding a thank you.

When I got back to my seat there was a piece of folded paper on the table that had 'READ' scrawled across it. I frowned and sat my stuff down before sitting down and opening the paper. It read,

Dear Darla,

I know what is going on with you. I can help. I'm an expert in the supernatural department. I grew up in it. Please call me. We have to get together sometime to rash this out. I could really help you. Please get a hold of me when convenient for you.

(425)-670-372 (my digits)

Andrew Gerrison

I frowned and looked around the cafe but only saw a jogger in line and an elderly couple in the corner. I glanced back at the letter and reread it before thinking about this Andrew person. He has the same last name as me. Are we related? Can he really help me? Is this all just some huge prank? Only one way to find out. I put his number in my phone and hesitated on the 'call' button.

What if it was a joke? I'm terrified to call, not because of the possibility of it being a joke but of the possibility of him being real. Yolo as the kids say, right? Quickly, so I wouldn't change my mind, I pressed the 'call' button and held the phone to my ear.

It rang three times before someone answered.


I took a shaky breathe before answering.


"Oh thank goodness! I was afraid you wouldn't call!"

"How do you know me? Why is your last name the same as mine? Are you a stalker?" I shot my questions at him quickly before taking a deep breath.

He paused for a moment before responding.

"I'll be over there in a minute. You still at Blue Love Cafe?"


"See you in five." He said before hanging up abruptly. I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at it in shock. Did I seriously just agree to that? Oh man. Oh man man man.

I stared at my hands that were wrapped tightly around my coffee and fingered my engagement ring. Suddenly a heavy body flopped onto the seat in front of me and my head snapped up only to freeze in surprise.

The man sitting across from me was identical to me. Same hair, same nose...same eyes. He even had a purple little speck of a birth mark on above his left eyebrow, just like me. What?

"Hi Darla. I'm Andrew." He said smiling while extending his hand out. I took it hesitantly and his smile dipped some.

"Are you,like my twin or something?" I asked suddenly and he chuckled while pulling his hand back.

"Actually yes." I stared at him with wide eyes. Wait what? I have a twin? Seriously?

"Your kidding right? I'm pretty sure my parents would have told me if they put my twin up for adoption. If I had a twin." I said with a slight chuckle of my own.

"I wasn't the twin that was put up for adoption. You were." I stared at him confused. What was he talking about? He must have noticed my confusion because he elaborated on what he said.

"The people you thought were your parents, their not. Darla you''re adopted."


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