The Uncontrolled

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2 weeks later

It had been two weeks. Two weeks since Phoenix proposed. Two weeks since I said yes.....two weeks since I lost James.

For the first week, I locked myself in my bathroom and bawled. Phoenix finally couldn't take it anymore and knocked the door down.

The door had landed on me roughly and I'd cried even harder.

Jordan said that James was staying in a hotel, a couple miles away. Everyone was really sweet to me too. I'd told my dad about the marriage and at first he was going to beat up Phoenix. He calmed down soon after though.

Just imagine what he's gonna be like when he finds out I'm not a virgin.

Anyway, currently I was laying in bed with my head rested on Collins chest, because we were watching Titanic. I heard sniffling and looked up to notice Collin crying. I giggled and wiped his tears away.  He smiled gratefully at me and I smiled back.

"So...did you hear that Jordan may or may not have a boyfriend?" I asked, trying to make small talk. His eyes flickered darker and his face got colder. "What?! No! No motherfrickin way!" He sounded very upset about it.

I pinched my eyebrows together in confusion and looked at him weirdly. "Why do you sound so up- OMG YOU LIKE JOR?!" I screamed and jumped up in excitement. He sighed and ran a hand threw his hair while pausing the movie. He glanced up at me.

"I don't even know okay? I mean up until I meant Jordan, I was just into girls but now.....he's just so darn cute! The way his nose scrunches up when he's confused or how his little face gets red when he's flustered." He sighed dreamily and I grinned.

"You do like him!" I squealed and poked his chest. He grabbed my finger and gently bit the top of it while glaring at me playfully making me giggle. "You have to tell him! C'mon before he makes it official with this Kyle dude."

Collin's face went dark again and he stood up with determination. "I will. In fact I'm going to go tell him right now! Thanks, love! Call you later, love you bye!" With that he pecked my lips, grabbed his coat and keys and was out the door.

I sighed in annoyance as I sat back down. I was so frickin bored. Phoenix was at work. Jordan was with Kyle. Christene was hanging out with her boyfriend Jonathan. James....well ya know.

Suddenly I had this sickening feeling in my stomach and stood up quickly. The feeling spread until it reached my head and then I couldn't feel it anymore. I couldn't feel anything actually. I felt like I was trapped in my own body while someone else controlled it.

I felt possessed.

'Hello, darling.' A slimy voice whispered in my mind.


'Get out of my head!' I screamed but all that did was cause a headache. Slowly my legs started moving forward, towards the kitchen. I wasn't the one making my legs move though. I couldn't even feel my legs.

I tried to stop, to thrash or scream but I couldn't. It was like I was watching a movie, everything playing out in front of me. I- well Damian stopped in front of the daisy on the windowsill. Slowly my hand reached out and touched the delicate petal.

I watched in horror and fascination as the petals slowly started turning black and crumpling. It was like a shadow had descended and was turning everything bad. I kept watching until all that was left of the flower was a very dead looking stick in some dry dirt.

I wanted to cry. If Damian could do that in my body what else could he do? Suddenly I heard a meow and my body turned around. I saw my baby kitten, Taco, rolling around on the ground, purring and meowing.

My hand reached out and grabbed Taco by her collar. Damian threw her on the counter roughly and opened the knife drawer. I realized what he was going to do and started freaking out. I tried to take control of my body again, pushing against his strength but I couldn't do it. He was too strong.

He raised the knife above my kitten and was just about to plunge it down when suddenly the front door opened and I could hear feet shuffling around. Im my mind I sighed in relief. That quickly changed though when my body started moving towards the front door where the person was.

"Babe, I'm home, you there?" Phoenix called out into the house. I struggled to say that I was here and that I loved him but I couldnt.

My body moved towards him quicker and I rounded the corner with the knife raised high above my head.

Phoenix turned around, eyes wide and...

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