The Long-Lasted

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I hopped into my truck and shoved the key into the ignition angrily. I was just about to peel out of there when suddenly the passenger door opened and James quietly hopped in. I didnt say anything and neither did he.

We didnt have too. It was obvious what this meant.

He was with me no matter what.

I backed out of the driveway and than took off down the road. I ran stop lights and stop signs but James didnt say anything. Just sat and stared out the window. I carefully rolled the old truck into the gas station parking lot and hopped out.

"You want anything?" I asked James but he just jumped out from the truck and strode into the store without me. "O-kay than." I whispered under my breathe

I walked in after him and noticed he was looking at the candy bars. I grabbed a Pepsi and than walked over to James and grabbed a large kit-kat. "You getting any or are you just gonna stand there?" I teased him. I saw a small smile appear on his face and i grinned. 

"Ya, i am." He plucked a Hershey bar off the rack and threw it at my face. I gasped at him in shock and he chuckled at me. "What was that for?!" He grinned and slowly started leaning in when suddenly a startled screech came from behind us. I jumped slightly and looked down blushing while James pulled away and mumbled 'Dayum' under his breathe.

I turned around and noticed a petite old lady with fraying grey hair and baggy old clothes had fallen on the ground. I quickly scrambled to pick her up and asked her if she was okay but she just kept swating at my hands and saying she was fine.

"Ma'am really, just let me help you up." I pleaded, but no she had to be a stubborn old lady and not have any help. She shook her head violently and kept mumbling 'no'. Once she was standing i stepped back but this time she stepped towards me and grabbed my sweater collar. Her eyes were clouded over, completely white.

"He's coming for you and when he does you better be ready because hes going to kill anybody in his way and nobody will be safe especially you, child!" She seethed at me viciously, foaming at the mouth. James yanked me away from her and called for security. I just stared at her wide-eyes as she laughed crazily and kept saying 'no one is safe' and 'he's coming for you'

Finally security came and dragged the old hag away but i just dropped my things and ran out of the store.

"Darla! Darla please!" Tears were streaming down my face and i ran into the truck. Like literally ran it to the door. It hurt and i cried even harder. "Dar?" I heard James question from behind me. "J-just go away, please." I begged him while sobbing onto the truck door.

Suddenly warm arms enveloped me and immediately i felt safe. I turned in James embrace and layed my head on his hard chest. He was breathing deeply and rubbing his arms up and down my back to calm me down. I smiled into his chest and closed my eyes, enjoying the intimacy.


I quickly whipped around, still in James arms to notice the gang standing there behind me. "What?" I snapped. They all flinched back, shocked by my tone of voice. Jordan took a cautious step towards me and i rolled my eyes. "Im not going to hurt you sheesh."

"I-I know that Dar im sorry." I just rolled my eyes and walked over to the drivers side of the truck. "Im going to go back to the house and pack some clothes up and go back to my dorm at Harvard for the rest of winter break. Anyone want to come?" I asked as i got into the truck.

"Me." I heard James speak up as he too got into the truck. "Ya uh no, not happening Darla." Phoenix argued as he walked over to my side of the truck and tried to open the door but i locked both doors already.

"Ill come too!" Christene hollered and jumped into the bed of the truck. "Theres no seats back there Chris!" I yelled at her. "I dont care lets go!" I giggled as i started up the truck and tried to pull out of the gas station but stopped once Phoenix started banging on my window.

"Aye, knock that crap off!" I yelled as i tried to pull out but once again he started to pound on my window. I finally had enough and opened my door so it smacked him in the face and he fell to the concrete. "Nice shot girly!" Christene yelled from the back. "Thanks!" I smiled as i peeled out of there, not glancing back once.


Once i pulled up to the driveway and parked i jumped out. "Aye, im gonna go pack some of my crap up, Chris if you want you and James can take the Mercedes to your guy's houses and than meet me here in thirty." I told them as i unlocked the front door. "Kay." Christene said as she barged past me and into the house.

"Sure come right in." I mumbled sarcastically under my breathe. I grabbed my Mercedes keys and threw then at James. "Dont crash." I joked as i skipped upstairs. "No promises!" He hollered up at me. I shook my head and grinned, heading into my room.

I pulled out my suitcase from under the bed and walked over to the closet to grab my stuff. I heard the door slam close and a car drive away so i knew that Chris and James were gone. A couple minutes later as i was shoving clothes into my case i heard a car pull up and frowned in confusion. No way they could be back so soon.

I heard the door open and several pairs of feet stomping into the house. My frown deepened. That was defiantly not them. "Darla we know your here!" I froze at Phoenix's voice. "Dayum." I whispered as i crept towards the door. Just as Phoenix was about to open it i slammed it shut and locked it.

"Darla open this door right now!" He yelled at me. I ignored him and walked into the bathroom to get my things. I grabbed all my crap and threw it into my bag while zipping it up. "Nope." I said as i slung my bag over my shoulder and grabbed my suitcase.

I walked over to the door and unlocked it and than swung it open making Phoenix fall on his face. I had to cover my mouth and look away to keep from laughing. I swiftly walked around him and down the stairs. As i finished descending the stairs i noticed Collin, Jordan and my father seated at the couch.

I quickly looked away from them and walked towards the door. "Darla you cant leave. What if you hurt someone or Damian randomly possess you and someone sees that. Or if he hurts you! We cant take the risk."Phoenix tried to explain to me as he walked down the stairs.

"Dam would never hurt me. And i trust him enough to know.that he wouldn't possess me in the middle of the street or something. Im taking control of my life. I'm not going to let you or Damian or anyone else control me any longer! This is my life, i make my own decisions i am a grown adult!" I exclaimed.

Nice, sweetcheeks. I smirked when he whispered that to me. And without waiting for Phoenix to reply i grabbed my things, opened the door and walked out to notice Christene in the Mercedes and James in the passenger side of the truck. I quickly threw my things in the bed of the truck and hopped in.

"You ready Dar?" James asked me. I nodded my head.

"Oh heck yes."

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