The Damage

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I was going insane.

It had been almost three weeks since Saide's body was found in the bathroom at the theatre's. I had only told Phoenix, and he comforted me while i cried. He believed everything i told him and i loved him for it. But that is what's going to hurt me most in the end.

Damian was constantly possessing me, making me do things that i dont want to do. Hurt people. Animals. Plants. Anything and everything. He almost killed Phoenix the other day and that's what really put me over the edge. I had stayed in the bedroom, for almost two weeks now. No one but Phoenix was aloud in here.

But thats not the worst part.

Damian was also the main star in all my dreams. His voice was constantly whispering in my mind. Telling me he loved me and he would kill all, just to be with me. I was terrified and there was nothing i nor anyone else could do. I couldnt even go to church and thank god it was winter break other ways i'd be screwed.

Damian wont let food digest in me either. I was disgustingly skinny and had bags under my eyes. Everytime i ate or drank something i would end up throwing it up a couple minutes later. My dad has stopped by everyday and almost kills Phoenix everyday when he's not aloud to see me.

Phoenix also informed me that James sleeps on the couch downstairs. He refuses to go home and finally, after a week, Phoenix gave up asking. Jordan and Collin actually bought an RV and parked it in our front yard, and are sleeping in that! But Christene had a tent in our backyard. She sleeps in that.

I love my friends i really do but they need to go home! Im terrified that I'll end up hurting them or worse. I was currently snuggled up in bed with the huge blankets surrounded around me, making a cave for me to hide in with all my problems. I had my eyes closed just relaxing, since i was exhausted. Being possessed constantly really takes a toll on you.

I heard shouting and things being broken downstairs and a sense of deja vù hit me. My eyes shot open and my ears perked up. I could distinctly make out the voice of Phoenix and a couple male voices and than a soft spoken female voice.

The gang.

A small smile slowly crept onto my face and i slowly got out of bed. I had lost so much weight that Phoenix had to buy me a whole new wardrobe. I grabbed my Harvard sweater and threw that on with some sweats and put my hair up in a messy bun. I slipped into my unicorn slippers and crept to the door.

As quietly as possible i unlocked it and opened it, making sure it didnt creak. I quietly tiptoed down the stairs and the voices got louder. I peeked around the corner of the banister and saw James, Collin, Jordan, Christene and my Dad standing there yelling at Phoenix.

I was watching and listening quietly when suddenly Taco came running past me and i let out a startled yelp, giving away my hiding place. The room got very quiet and i looked over to see everyone staring at were i was.

As quickly as possible i scurried up the stairs but they were already running to me. I was almost to the top when a large weight landed on my back, making me cry out in pain. The weight wouldnt move and i couldnt breathe. It hurt so bad and my spine was about to give out and break.

"G-get off " I managed to stutter out. I heard a chuckle. "Not happening sweetie." I heard James say. Tears were streaming down my face because of the pain and i realized he didnt know he was hurting me. I cried out in pain again but he must have mistaken it for a plea of help cause he stayed put.

Suddenly a dark figure cast a shadow over me and i heard everyone gasp while i looked up. It was Damian. And he looked angry.

James put more weight on my back and a sob of pain left my throat. James realized what he was done but it was too late. Damian roared and flew into my chest. I gasped but suddenly Damian was in control. He pushed my back up, hard and James went flying.

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