The Doors

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The next morning I woke up to a delicious aroma drifting up stairs. I glanced next to me to see Christene missing, so I decided to take a shower and get dressed before going downstairs. When I hopped into the shower I was careful not to wash the scratch on my shoulder. My thoughts drifted off to my dream last night. I just didn't understand it! What in the world did it mean?

As I jumped out of the shower and wrapped my fluffy blue towel around me I could hear yelling and things being thrown from downstairs so I quickly put my robe on and ran downstairs to see what was going on. When i got down there I couldn't believe me eyes. Standing there was my dad at the door with his hands up as Christene threw plates and cups that I never liked at him, while yelling profanities.

"What in God's name is going on here?" I screamed as I grabbed Christene's arm and took the plate out of it. "Well I was making breakfast when this son of a-" "Language!" I glared at her. "Sorry. Anyway I was making breakfast when this thing came into the house so I threw your old plates and cups at him." I sighed and walked over to my Father.

"What are you doing here this early?" I asked with my brows furrowed in confusion. He sighed too as he ran his hand through his pitch black hair. "I thought I would take you out to breakfast this morning but then Christene here started throwing cups and plates at me!" "Dayum right I did!" She screamed at him.

I growled in frustration and grabbed my dads hand, roughly shoved him out the door. I could hear Christene gasp in shock as my dads eyes widened because I was being so rough and mean. I'm never like this. Usually I'm the kindest,  most gentlest person out there but it's just too early in the dang morning and I havent even had one cup of coffee yet!

"Just get out please. I'll call you later, bye." I told him as I slammed the door shut and ran up the stairs groaning in frustration. "You have alot of explaining to do, young lady!" Christene yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I just nodded and went into my room to get dressed for church.

I grabbed my undergarments and put them on and then  grabbed a nice black knit sweater and some black skinny jeans, along with my black flats. I curled my hair and put on some mascara and eyeliner with a touch of eyeshadow. I grabbed my purse and put it over my shoulders and walked down the stairs. "Here's your breakfast I'm gonna go take a shower and get dressed." Christene said as she slid a plate with bacon, eggs and grits my way.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and OJ and than sat down to eat. By the time I was done Christene was coming down the stairs. She was wearing the exact same thing as me but blue instead. And she had straightened her black hair. The shoes and shirt were mine but the jeans were hers. She also had her purse around her shoulder.

I smiled and grabbed my plate and put it in the sink. "Phoenix said he'll meet us there." She glanced at me before nodding. "Kay." I sighed and grabbed my keys before we walked out of the house. I locked the door and me and Christene got into my other car, which was an old ford pickup truck. I peeled out of my driveway and took off down the street towards the towns church.

We lived in a everyone-knew-everyone type of town, it was really small right splat in the middle of Mississippi. Take a turn on a dead end and there we are, we're the dead end.

I pulled into the parking lot of the church and got out just as Christene did. We were walking up the steps and I swear to God himself, the gargoyles on the sides of the steps moved their heads. I shook my head, and just shrugged it off until we got to the huge mahogany wood stained doors. I gulped, nervous for some reason. I reached to grab the door handle, but when I did the wood burned the bare flesh on my hand. I hissed in pain as I yanked my hand back and looked at the doors.

"Are we going in or what?" Christene said, ticked off. I tried to speak but couldnt find my voice. I kept staring at the door until I heard screeching and turned to see the gargoyles moving and screaming at me, with their red eyes glowing. I shook my head as the screeching got louder, until it blocked everything else out. I screamed and fell to the ground with my hands cupped over  my ears.

Wind was blowing around and the screeching dimmed a little but I still screamed. I screamed so loud for so long my throat hurt and I had a headache. I could hear voices and heard myself sobbing while screaming. I could feel hands underneath me, lifting me onto something uncomfortable. I saw the shadow behind my eyes, laughing and the horses snorted, trying to get to me.

"DAMIAN!" Was the last thing I remember screaming before the darkness consumed me whole.

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