The Dream

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I shot up in  bed and quickly whipped around to see what that was that just whispered that, but saw no one there. Ugh! I closed my eyes and took deep, long breathes to relax myself. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room, only to notice a message on the mirror. I frowned, confused and walked over to it.

I flipped on the light switch and gasped as I took a step back from the mirror. A message in my dark red lipstick was written on it. It said 'I love the way you look with your eyes closed' "What?" I whispered  as I looked frantically around the room, but no one was there. I quickly washed the lipstick off and locked all the windows and doors. I slid back into my bed and grabbed my phone off the nightstand.

I immediately sent a quick message to my close friend Christene telling her about the message on the mirror and the whisper in my ear. It was almost twelve in the morning but I knew she would be up. She's always up really late. And just like I thought I got a text back from her in a instant. I opened my screen to read the message. It read ''Omg u ok? Do u want me 2 come ovr there? Did u tell Phoenix?!'

I smiled to myself as I sent her a message back. 'Yes please come over and no I haven't told Phoenix yet. I don't want to worry him. Please don't tell him.' I laid back down and closed my eyes. Just as I was about to fall asleep my phone started ringing 'You and I' by One Direction. I groaned as I answered Christene. "Wha-" "ARE YOU INSANE?! YOU HAVEN'T TOLD PHOENIX YET?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! Oh and I'm pulling up in the driveway so I'll be in, in just a sec." And then the line went dead.


I layed back down and closed my eyes as I sighed. I could hear a key go into the front door and the door open and then shut and lock as feet pattered into my room. I knew Christene was in here but I kept my eyes closed, which was a huge mistake on my part as something flopped painfully onto my stomach. "Ugh!" I groaned as I opened my eyes to come face to face with a smiling brown eyed freak.

"Ugh Christene get off of me!" I screeched as I pushed her off. She just grinned as she got off the bed to put on some of my short shorts and a green tank top and hopped into bed with me. "You really should tell Phoenix ya know." She told me seriously as she snuggled into the blankets some more. I sighed and pushed my head farther into my pillow. "I know okay? I know. Lets just get some sleep and talk about it in the morning, okay?"

She sighed but nodded anyway as she closed her eyes and said goodnight. A couple of minutes later I could hear snoring and smiled to myself knowing that she was asleep. I closed my eyes once again and soon let the darkness wash over me.

And that was when the dream happened.

I was walking along in a meadow smiling to myself as I watched some squirrels playing. I sat down and breathed in the fresh air and picked some flowers when suddenly a Buck and a doe came out of the forest and stopped once they saw me. I smiled at them and waited for them to come forward. They slowly started taking cautious steps towards me. I smiled gently as the doe turned brave and ran right to me. My breathe caught in my throat because I didn't think the doe was going to stop but, much to my surprise, it did stop, right in front of me too.

I smiled as I pet the soft doe's fur and soon enough the mama came to stand next to me too. I don't know how long I had been sitting there petting the buck and doe but suddenly they screeched in fear and took off running into the forest. I frowned in confusion and stood up when I heard hooves stomping and turned around only to gasp in fear and step back.

Right in front of me there was at least 20 pitch black horses with red eyes and smoke coming out of the nostrils as blood dripped from their mouths. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I glanced up at the sky as lighting flashed across it. I gasped when I saw what the sky looked like. It was all black and red and lighting kept flashing as thunder boomed loudly.

I looked all around me and noticed the trees were all dried up and dead and so was all the flowers and grass in the meadow. I glanced at the stream near the meadow to see the water was black and thick looking. It was all terrifying. Suddenly booming laughter echoed through out the meadow and I whipped back around to the horses to see a shadow man standing next to them.

I took a couple steps back as the shadow came forward. "Don't be afraid my dear. I wont hurt you. I love you." I shook my head as I kept repeating over and over in my head, 'This is just a dream, This is just a dream, its not real!' I was shaking in fear though and took some more steps back as the shadow appeared right next to me and wrapped its arms around me.

"Oh no darling, I am most definitely real. Don't worry though sweetheart. You will understand all of this very, very soon my sweet. After all........You are mine." With that he scratched my shoulder and disappeared as did everything else and the blackness came over me again.

I shot up in bed and looked around to notice I was sweating badly. I glanced next to me to see Christene sleeping soundly with her face pressed into the pillow. I grabbed my phone and saw that it was 4:24 in the morning. I groaned as i got out of bed to take a shower because I felt gross.

As I hopped into the shower and started to wash off I winced in pain when I washed over my shoulder. When I got out of the shower I looked in the mirror and gasped at what was there. A long scratch on my shoulder. Exactly were the shadow scratched me.

What was happening to me?

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