The Answer

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"So Darla Marie Gerrison, will you please do the honors of marrying me?"


I sat. And stared. And stared. And stared. Phoenix coughed and stood up. In a pained and heartbroken voice he said, "I understand. Im sorry. I love you. Goodbye." And walked out of the room. I sat there and stared at the spot were he had just left, before realizing what had just happened and  quickly got over my shock and tried standing up. Key word tried.

Long black wisps of smoke came from behind me and wrapped themselves tightly around my arms. I was about to scream when the smokey hands clamped around my mouth. Suddenly the blackness was covering my whole body, pinning me down. I looked around the room frantically as I struggled to get out of the smokes grasp. I winced in pain as the smoke hands tightened their grips on me and burned my skin.

I heard a cough and someone say to let me go and suddenly the smoke was gone. I looked up at the culprit and saw the shadow man standing there with a smug look on his blurry face. The lips were the only things I could make out of from the rest of his face. I glared and tried to stand up but he threw his hand in the air and I went flying backwards into the bed so hard that the bed skidded backwards and hit the wall.

I gasped and looked at him with wide fearful eyes. "You're not marrying him." He whispered in his weird voice. I glared and finally found my voice. "I am too!" He growled lowly and suddenly the smoke hands came back and burned the skin on my arms. I hissed in pain and glared really hard at the sha- Damian. He coughed and the hands went away again.

"No! I forbid it!" "You're not the boss of me!" "You're mine! You will not marry some weak stupid human!" "I'm a weak stupid human too!" Suddenly he was standing right in front of me and he squeezed my chin painfully. "Don't you ever say that about yourself. Ever. You're not a weak stupid human at all." I glared and stood up before the smoke could get to me. I got right in his face and screamed, "I can marry whoever I want to marry! You don't have a say! I HATE YOU!!"

He backed up and glared. "You'll regret ever saying those words Darla." With that he was gone and so was the smoke hands. I quickly looked at the clock and saw that only two minutes had passed since when Phoenix left. I quickly ran out of the room with nurses yelling at me to come back but I was gone. All I could think about was his pained face when he realized I wasn't going to say anything.

I burst out the door and immediately covered my head because it rain was pouring down, fast and hard. I squinted into the rain and saw Phoenix's truck parked a couple feet away. I quickly ran to it and slowed down down when I got closer. I looked in from the back and noticed Phoenix's shoulders were shaking violently. I realized he was crying and felt even worse. I ran to his side of the car and pounded on the window.  He jumped and let out his high pitched scream and I had to cover my mouth to keep from giggling.

He opened his door and looked down at the pavement with tears still streaming down his face. "Yes." I said out of breathe. His head shot up and he looked at me in confusion. "'ll marry me?" He asked with a spark of hope in his eyes. I nodded frantically and he broke out in a huge grin. He picked me up and spun me around while planting a sweet kiss on my lips.

I smiled against his chest as he went on and on about our wedding. I zoned out though when I noticed the sha- Damian leaning against the hospital doors staring at me.

You're going to regret this.

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