The Talk

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Jordan was about to say something else but suddenly the door burst open and in came a, please excuse my language, pissed looking Phoenix.


Phoenix was standing there glaring at anything and everything in his way. I pinched my eyebrows together and wiped some of the remaining tears from under my eyes. "Babe? You alright?" His attention snapped to me and I thought he was going to come over here and break Jordan's neck. "Don't babe me!" I flinched at his tone and immediately James was out of his seat and standing next to me.

"Watch it blondie." He sneered. Ha! Told you. Phoenix glared at him then looked back at me. "Are you sleeping with him too?!" My eyes went wide  and a small gasp left my lips. "What?!" I looked at him like he was crazy. "Why would you say such a thing?" He scowled and took a step towards me, as if to hurt me, and James took a step towards him while Jordan tightened his grip on me.

"Your dad told me everything!" I looked at him confused. "You're  pregnant with Jordan's baby!" He exclaimed. I looked at Jordan, then at James and we all started laughing. I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. "R-Right like I-I would s-sleep with m-my gay best f-friend!" I mumbled out while laughing. Phoenix still looked angry though and took three big steps towards me and raised his hand like he was going to slap me when out of no where Christene came bursting into the room and the door smacked Phoenix right in the face.

She turned around and smacked him right across the face. I had to close my eyes when she did that, because I hate violence. "I don't think so blondie! I saw and heard everything from outside the window! You were about to smack her! Not on my watch ya don't!" She slapped him again and I flinched while shoving my face in Jordan's side.

"She's the one that cheated on me! With Jordan!" He yelled while pointing to me and Jordan. "Dude, did her father tell you that? Because we were just joking around to see what he would do. She's not pregnant." Jordan tried to explain. "Y-Yeah. We were just kidding around." I mumbled. I glanced at Phoenix to see him looking at me with guilt. "Babe, I'm so sorry, I wasnt going to hit you i swear! I love you."

He took a couple steps forward but James stood in front of him. He glared at Phoenix and Phoenix glared back. "Move. James." He said through gritted teeth. James glanced back at me and I smiled while nodding. He groaned but turned back to Phoenix. "If you hurt her in anyway I will kill you." He then turned and plucked Jordan off the bed while walking out of the room, with Jordan yelling he loved me.

I looked at Phoenix, and nodded to the chair, indicating for him to sit. He did and then looked at me. "Um Christene could you...step out of the room please?" She glared at Phoenix but nodded and walked out while blowing me a kiss. I smiled when she shut the door and turned back to Phoenix, sighing. "Why were you going to hit me? And why didn't you believe us when we told you we were joking?"

He ran a hand through his blonde hair while sighing. "I wasn't thinking. I mean, your dad just told me that you were cheating on me, with Jordan, and you were pregnant with his kid. Then I walk in here to see you cuddled up in his arms and I just lost it. But you have to know I would never intentionally hurt you in anyway. I love you so much Darla."

I was crying by the time he was done and he reached out to wipe the tears away. I smiled and hugged him tightly. "I love you too. So much." He smiled as he pulled back and gave me a kiss. "Darla?" "Hmm?" "Do you ever want to have kids with me someday?" I looked him in the eyes to see if this was some kind of joke but it wasn't. "Of course I do. What kind of question is that? Of course I want to have kids someday."

He looked pained and I frowned. "I know that but I mean would you ever want kids with me." I giggled and pecked his lips. "Of course! Thats what I just said isnt it? Who did you think i wanted to have kids with? Silly little blonde boy." He did his famous lopsided grin and kissed the tip of my nose.

"Good, because I want to have a family someday." I smiled. "We already have a family you know. Christene, Jordan, James," He grunted." your brother Collin." "Yeah, but I mean our own family. Like children." I giggled while looking at him. "Absolutely. Some day we most defiantly will have kids. After we're married though of course. If we ever do get married that is. Not saying you're  taking forever or anything like that. I mean, you don't have to drop on one knee right now and propose." I giggled at the thought.

He didn't giggle. He dropped on one knee. Took out a black box. And opened it. I gasped. "Wha-" "Shh let me speak. Darla ever since I layed eyes on you I've been in love with you. When Collin told me about you I was in love with the thought of you. When I met you that one day, at Collin's party, I knew I would never let you go. That you would always be mine forever and ever, no matter what. And when I told you how I felt and you said you felt the same way I was ecstatic. I've always loved you and always will, till death do us part, and even after that." Tears were streaming down my face and I has the biggest grin on my face.

"So, Darla Marie Gerrison, will you please do the honors of marrying me?"

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