The Whisper

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I panted heavily as I ran down the forest trail. I could feel the sweat running down my back as my breath quickened. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly for a moment before opening them again to look at my surroundings. I felt the crisp morning air lightly nipping at my skin and could hear the birds hooting from the tall oak tree branches.

I tried to steady my breathing and I was successful in doing so. A squeak of surprise escaped my mouth when a small field mouse ran out onto my jogging trail. I stopped for a moment to catch my breathe and have a sip of cold water. As the cool top of my water bottle touched my lips I could feel someone's eyes on me.

I slowly removed the bottle from my mouth and looked around the forest. I saw movement from the corner of my eye and quickly whipped my body around as the bushes near the trail started to move. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out. The bush started moving again and my breathe hitched as a small bunny rabbit jumped out of the bushes making a sigh of relief leave my lips.

"Boo!" A startled scream escaped my mouth as I turned around to see my boyfriend Phoenix standing there with a satisfied smirk on his face. "My goodness Phoenix you scared me half to death." I said with my hand over my heart. "Aw im sorry babe. But I wanted to surprise you." He smiled sheepishly and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I quickly remembered the sweat running down my back and my eyes went wide as I tried to wiggle out of his grasp. He looked at me confused as I struggled to get out of his arms. "Babe what's wrong?" He asked worridly. "I have sweat running down my back and im sure you could feel it which must be disgusting for you." He chuckled loudly and kissed my forehead.

"I don't care if sweat is going down your back. Your still beautiful to me." I blushed at his words and glanced down at my watch. My eyes went wide. "Oh no! I have to get home, my father's coming over for dinner tonight and it's already five!" I quickly got out of Phoenix 's grasp and ran to my car.

"Babe! Babe wait up!" I finally got to my blue Mercedes and unlocked the door just as Phoenix caught up to me. "Hey whoa wait, your dad? When did you start having dinner with your dad?" I glanced over at him and than looked at my watch again. 5:12. Dayum. "Since I forgave him when he got out of prison." I told him as I started up my car.

"Listen babe I really need to get going but I'll call you later and we can hang out, kay?" I asked with a pleading look as I was getting ready to pull out of the parking lot. He looked away for a moment than looked back at me. "Alright. I'll see you later then. I love you." He said as he leaned down to give my lips a small peck. It was like we were two chickens pecking each other. Oh whale.

I smiled and told him I loved him too and than I took off down the road heading to my house. When I got there it was already 5:26 and my father was going to be here at six to pick me up. I quickly ran into the bathroom and hopped into the shower. Once I was done, I turned off the water and wrapped my fluffy blue towel around my body.

I glanced at the clock in the bathroom and it read 5:38. Crap! I needed to hurry. I ran to my bedroom and threw open my closet. I looked around and noticed one of my kind of elegant, kind of not  dresses and threw that on after I put on my undergarments. It was a pretty dress really. It was all white and had rose swirls at the bottom, it was tight up top but than poofed out at the waist were the rose swirls started.

I ran to my makeup table and quickly curled my black hair and put some mascara on along with some eyeliner and clear lip gloss with a touch of blush. I looked into my mirror and smirked at myself. I didn't look half bad really. I turned around and put on my white converse, grabbed my white purse and looked at my watch. 5:58. Whoa. Just on time.

I heard a knock on my front door and smiled to myself. This wasn't the first time I saw my father since he got out put I still cherished every moment I had with him. He had just gotten out of prison a week or so ago and we had seen each other alot since then. He went to prison because he broke into a very rich lady's house and stole all her nice things while killing the lady in the process.

My mother demanded a divorce when she found out but my father wouldn't sign the divorce paper. They fought constantly and one day my father couldn't take it any more and grabbed out his gun on her. I screamed and tackled him which made him accidentally shoot her in the side. She bled out at the hospital a few hours later. And they took my father away.

The doorbell ringing brought me out of my thoughts as I ran towards the door and before I opened it I tried composing my self. I ran my fingers through my curls and smiled big as I opened my door to reveal the man with black hair and green eyes on the other side. "Daddy!" I squealed, and tackled him into a hug. "Whoa carefull there sweetie, almost knocked your old man down." He chuckled and hugged me back.

After we pulled away he smiled and led me to his car. "Shall we get going dearie? Don't want to be late to dinner, now do we?" I shook my head but couldn't take the grin off my face. I opened the passenger door and carefully got in, making sure not to tear my dress. "All buckled up sweetie?" My father asked as he started his truck up.

I buckled my seat belt and leaned back. "Yep. Let's go." With that he pulled out of my driveway and took off to the restaurant. When we got there he came around my side and opened my door for me as I smiled kindly at him. We quickly went inside and found our table. As we sat down I noticed someone staring at me from across the room. He was standing in the shadows and he actually looked like a shadow so I couldn't tell what he looked like.

I shrugged it off and ended up having a divine dinner and a wonderful time with my father. When he dropped me off he gave me a kiss on the cheek and waved goodbye as I got to my front door and took out my keys. I heard him pulling away and turned around quickly to wave goodbye one last time. He smiled in return and then he was gone.

As soon as I got into my house I put my hair in a messy bun and sat down at my makeup table to take off my makeup. I grabbed my makeup remover and carefully wiped all of it off. After I was finished with that I walked over to my closet and took off my dress, slipping into some white, fluffy pajama shorts and a blue tank top. I felt eyes burning holes into the back of my head and turned around but I didn't see anyone there.

I just shrugged and skipped over to my comfy bed and hopped in, sliding under my soft, warm, blue blanket. As I was closing my eyes, about to fall asleep I could feel someone's breathe on the back of my neck and heard a scratchy male voice whisper,

"You will be mine"

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