The Fight

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You're going to regret this.


"S-S-Sto-op P-phe-eonix-x!" U screeched out as Phoenix tickled me. He gave me his lopsided grin and tickled my neck. I shoved my head down so he couldn't touch me  though and then bit his fingers. He winced and pulled back, playfully glaring at me.

"You bit me!" "You tickled me!" "So?" "So?" I grinned and pushed him off me. He grunted as he hit the floor but smiled anyways. I smiled back and then my gaze landed on my engagement ring. It was beautiful. It had a small band with tiny diamonds all around it, and an amethyst shaped as a heart in the middle. On the inside of the band was my name with Phoenix's last name and then Phoenix's name with the day we got together and the day we got engaged.

I was still in the hospital, I would be in here for a couple more days and Jordan, James, Christene and Phoenix's brother Collin were coming over to see me because I told them we had big news to share. They were supposed to be over in a couple minutes but until then Phoenix had me all to himself.

He grinned as if reading my thoughts and jumped onto my hospital bed. He scooped me up in his arms and wraped both my legs around his waist. He slowly kissed up my neck and than attacked my lips with his. The kiss was hot and sweet at the same time.

"My innocent eyes! PDA!!!" I heard a high pitched voice yell and me and Phoenix immediately jumped apart. I layed back down and pulled the blanket up, while Phoenix sat in a chair. Jordan smirked at me, wiggling his eyebrows as he got under the covers with me. I had to scoot over cause of his big butt.

"Yeah, sure you can lay up there with my fiance, I dont mind." Phoenix said sarcastically. I looked at him with wide eyes and he realized what he just said. "Thank yo- WAIT FIANCE?!" I winced slightly when Jordan  yelled but then looked over to see him grinning and jumping up and down.

"OHMYGAWWWWD! IM GONNA BE THE MAID OF HONOR AND- WHAT IF YOU HAVE KIDS?! I CANT BE AN UNCLE YET! THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR ME, WE'RE MOVING TOO FAST HERE GUYS!" Once Jordan was done yelling, I answered. "Yes, you and Christene will be the maid of honors. The brides maids are going to be wearing pink so im going to buy you a pink tuxedo."

His grin widened, if possible and I smiled. He suddenly got serious and hugged me tightly to his hard chest as he kissed the crown of my head. "Im so happy you're happy, Dar. I love you so much, you're my sister." I wiped a tear that had escaped from my eye and hugged him back.

"I love you too, Jor. So much. You're my brother, forever and always." I snuggled my face into the crook of his neck and shoulder blade and breathed in his scent. When we pulled away we were both smiling and giggling.

"Okay can I have my fiance back now?" Jordan looked up at him. "Ha. No." Phoenix just rolled his eyes and sat back down. Suddenly the door burst open and in marched Collin. "Babe!" He yelled and pushed Jordan to floor so he could sit next to me. Jordan got up and glared at him. "I was sitting there Collin!" He screeched.

Collin glanced up at him and smirked. "Oh my bad." Then he turned back to me and hugged me tightly. "Hey baby!" I giggled at his nickname for me, while Phoenix let out a grunt. "Hey babe!" I hugged him back and then pulled away. "So....whats the big news?!" He asked excitedly.

I held out my hand with the ring on it and his eyes went wide. He whipped around to Phoenix."My brother is marrying the love of my life?! THIS IS AMAZEBALLS!" He yelled happily and kissed my head while jumping onto Phoenix's lap to kiss all over his face. "Ew ew bro get off me!"

I giggled while Jordan jumped back on the bed. Just then a scowling James came in with a chattering Christene right behind him. "But your butt does look good in those jeans James I'm just say-" She stopped once she noticed us all staring at her.

She just shrugged and came to push Jordan off the bed so she could sit next to me. "What is it with everyone pushing me off the bed?!" Jordan exclaimed as he sat in the chair next to Phoenix's. I giggled behind my hand while Jordan glared at me. "So, this big news? What is it?"

I glanced at James then back her. I sucked in a big breathe. Let it out. And spoke. "Me and Phoenix are engaged." Complete silence. Still silence. When suddenly Christene broke out into a huge grin and James threw his chair across the room while storming out angrily.

I blinked. I could do this. I knew he was going to act like this. Its okay, Darla, push those darn tears away. I slowly stood up from the bed and walked out of the room, no one stopping me.

I found James outside, smoking a cigarette. "You're gonna die if you keep smoking those cancer sticks." I told him as I walked up and stood across from him.

He laughed without humor and took a big drag from the cig. "Oh yeah? What does it matter anyway? The girl I love is getting married to a lowlife prick." He snarled at me. I flinched at the cuss word and looked up at him with wide eyes. "Not to mention he's blonde"

"Y-You l-love m-m-me?" I asked warily. He nodded stiffly and glanced away. "James. I-I didnt know you loved me like that! Why didnt you tell me before?" I asked him.

"It wouldn't make a diffrence! You would still be with blondie, wouldn't you?!" He screamed in my face. I looked at the ground, knowing that he was right.

He scoffed and shook his head. "Just as I thought. Why don't you run back to your finance so he can hold you while you cry." He sneered bitterly. When all I did was stand there staring at him he shoved me towards the doors. "Well go on! Get away from me!"

"N-No." I cursed myself for stuttering and stayed still. "What was that?" He scowled at me.

I looked at him with a fierce look. "I said no. Im not going to just go back there to Phoenix when I know that a person I love is in pain! It's wrong to leave! I love you James! Maybe not in the same way as you me but I still love you! You're still apart of my life, still family and nothing will change that!"

"You're wrong! You're wrong and you know it! As soon as we go back in there Phoenix is going to know what I told you, he's going to hate me even more, and he's not gonna let you around me!" He yelled in frustration. "It's not his choice whether I see you or not James!" I yelled back.

"Then he'll leave you! He'll make you choose me or him and then you'll choose him and I'll be in even more pain and even more heartbroken!" He was panting hard and so was I.

"T-Thats not true! Phoenix isnt like that James, please!" I took a step forward and he took a step back. "No. Go back to Phoenix Dar. Just leave me alone. It will cause less pain for us. Please." He whispered the last part as he looked at me with pained eyes.

I was crumpling. He took two steps back and turned around and walked away. Just as he was about to turn the corner, he stoppd, turned around and blew me a kiss.

"I love you Darla. Bye." And then he was gone and I was left there, a heap on the sidewalk in front of the hospital, bawling as I realized what I had just lost.


This is most likely the longest chapter I've done so far. I litterly was in tears when writing the end to this chapter .

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