Letter 11

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Dear no one,

You know what, I have a good news for you! You must be proud of me~ I know my last letter was a rant about being smart shamed but this time I'm actually thankful to have an extra amazing brain! I really am! This brain saved me and my friends from re-defense. Well, today is our thesis/research/webpage defense or whatever you call it, and we fucking passed, not only passed but we got the highest grade! I'm so fucking happy that all those restless nights are finally paid off. Are you happy for me? I'll graduate soon, probably in two weeks or three, I don't know, I'm just legit excited I'm finally school free and in a few years I'll be out of my parents care once I'm already earning for myself, I'm so excited to officially move out. It's not like I don't like them, I just don't like the never ending bragging and ego pestering in our neighbourhood, cause my family just live block to block from each other.

Oh my! I'm also excited to meet you! I hope we can, someday, because I'm so lonely. I want a cuddle from you. Ugh! This is frustrating, I should receive a hug and kiss from you because I did great today. Now I'm pouting because this is really impossible. Okay, I'll just wait for the right time. Be healthy okay? Are you eating well? Are you resting well? Are you also studying well or working well? I want to know something about you, I really want to meet you but for now, maybe I'll just wait patiently. I love you, future someone! See you very soon.

Your future lover,
Han Jisung

A wide smile is plastered on Minho's face. Every word he read made him feel so happy for some unexplainable reason.

"Aren't you so adorable Han Jisung, yeah?" He whispered while giggling.

"Yes I'm proud, good for you. I'm glad that you're enjoying your last days in university because I never enjoyed mine." Minho said while petting Soonie's head which is on his side.

Minho stood up from sitting on his bed then kept the letter in his drawer before laying back in his bed next to his cats.

"I'm also excited to meet him. Is this crazy? I think I'm interested to this person. How can I actually meet him? I don't have any idea or info about him besides his name." Soonie meowed at him so he let out a small giggle, "okay, I see. You think we can meet him someday?" He added.

Soonie meowed again making Minho to feel so relieved and happy.

"yeah, maybe we can meet him soon. You're also excited? What about Doongie and Dori?" He looked at the other two cats. Dori meowed but Doongie only stared at him.

"Seems like Doongie doesn't like the idea," Minho chuckled.

Funny, he's talking to his cats again. Look how lonely his life right now. He's feeling regretful for not socialising in university before and for being so distant to his co-workers right now. He is just not good in socialising, he can't make a conversation run for a long time, he's just so bad and unconsciously cutting the conversation with his one word responses.

"You should be excited too because we're all excited, Doongie," He said.

Minho received nothing but a silence so he sighed, "okay, I guess that's a good night for me," he said then laid properly.

He just received a new message but he's already excited for a new one. He's definitely so eager to know more about this Jisung person.

* * *

Jeongin stood infront of Jisung's apartment door while having an internal fight to himself whether he's knocking or not.

"Damn, man up just try it again." He whispered to himself. He's so annoyed because he's planning to confess again but he want to do it more privately before their graduation so he came to visit Jisung but he's here, standing like a restarted man infront of his friend's door, he can't even knock.

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