Letter 52

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Felix placed their last luggage in the car trunk, checking all the stuff they needed for a 3 day 2 nights holiday vacation before walking to the front seat door. He hopped in, seeing his boyfriend quietly waiting for him to close the door.

"Put on your seatbel-"

"I know," he cut the older to refrain him from talking, earning a heavy sigh as his response to the younger man's action.

They went silent, Felix looking outside of the window while Chan was still observing his silent boyfriend before starting the engine without saying anything. They started driving in silence, Chan continuously glancing at his silent boyfriend who seems to be too caught by the view outside.

"Aren't we trying to make up?" Chan spoke, receiving nothing from the younger man.

"Felix, why are you being so mad? I'm supposed to be the one to be mad, you started it first," again, Chan received silence from the other. Felix still continued looking outside, not trying to face his boyfriend.

"You keep giving me silent treatment every time you know that it was your fault. Can we just talk things out and properly address our problem? I don't even know what are you being so mad about for fuck's sake," Chan said, a bit frustrated for being ignored. He just can't understand why the younger's been acting oddly silent when he had so much to argue earlier when they were still in their house.

Well yes, they are arguing again. They just had a little misunderstanding at home while preparing for their things to bring for their holiday vacation with the Bangs. It wasn't that big, just one of their usual arguments.

"God gracious, grow up. Aren't you feeling sick of our non-stop argument? What is this about, really?" Chan asked with his obviously agitated voice but Felix decided to keep his mouth shut.

Chan waited for the man to speak but the younger continued giving him the silent treatment. Whenever he gives Felix a quick glance, he's still in the same position— right elbow resting on the window frame, hand on his cheek as if he's trying to cover his sight from Chan's direction while he's facing the window.

They reached an intersection road, red light showing on the traffic light facing their road direction so Chan stopped the car and faced Felix while the light is still red, "Felix, I don't really want to go and meet them with us not even okay when our main goal is to show them how are we doing and why they should accept us. Are you really gonna ignore me just because we fought over which bag to use for this trip? Come on," said Chan, looking at his boyfriend who's still not moving from his position.

Chan sighed and extended his hand to reach his boyfriend's shoulder to tap him and make him look in his direction but Felix only nudged his shoulder to refrain Chan from touching him which, of course, shocked Chan. He was about to snap because of the younger man's action but he noticed Felix's red eyes, making him instantly grab the younger's hand away from covering his face.

"Stop! Fuck it, just drive," Felix angrily said before going back to the same position he was before Chan grabbed his hand off his face.

"Are you crying?" Chan asked.

"Mind your own business."

"Felix-" Chan got cut when the car behind them repeatedly honked at them, making him instantly start driving again while occasionally giving Felix short glances.

He sighed heavily and continued driving until they reached a nearby stop. Chan stopped the car to face Felix again who's still trying to ignore him, "what is this? Why are you crying now?" He asked, a bit sarcastic this time.

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