Letter 39

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A loud exaggerated shout from Felix was heard the moment Jisung shared what happened last night.

"What do you mean 'what'?" Jisung confusedly asked.

"What is your damage? It's the first snow! You should have confessed to him! Do you know what you missed, Jisung?" Felix whined to his friend who was now looking at him with a frown.

"It's just a belief Lix," Jisung responded then munch on his food again.

Felix rolled his eyes at his friend and repeated what Jisung responded just now to mock him, "iT's JuSt A bELiEf LiX."

"Idiot. It's just a belief but you're almost dying about the thought of being with him during the first snow," Jeongin deadpanned, which made Hyunjin giggle.

"He probably panicked, hon," Hyunjin teased.

Well, his friends already know about Minho and Felix was the one who told them the whole story. It was nothing for Jisung since he's well aware that they still eventually have to tell the two other friends for an update.

"No, listen! It's not easy to confess, okay! He might end up weirded by me." Jisung argued.

"But you missed the chaaaaaaanceee!" Again, Felix exaggerated.

"There are still so many days following for a perfect confession, okay! I'm not ready. I mean, I know that I already have a crush on him for a long time now but I just recently realised it so no pressure!" The friends got silent but Felix is still salty about what Jisung missed— the first snow confession.

They continued eating in silence when Jisung's phone rang. He quickly answered the call when he realised that it was Minho calling.

"Hello, Minho Hyung?" That very moment Jisung mentioned the man's name, his friends signalled him to put the call on loudspeaker which he first ignored but of course, they didn't stop until Jisung did what they wanted.

"[Hanji? Are you still there?]" A voice from the phone said right after Jisung put the phone call on loudspeaker for his friends.

"Ah yes, Hyung. Sorry," the boy answered, apologising for making Minho wait.

"[It's fine. I called because the updating just finished now and the desktop restarted already but something popped up, what should I do?]" Minho asked while the four other men listened to him.

"Just click next, then finish, that's just an update notice Hyung." The older man hummed in response then there was a few seconds of silence.

"[Copy that, thank you!]" The older said then hung up after Jisung's response.

"He's definitely into you!" Felix said followed by their other friends' nods.

"Definitely!" Hyunjin agreed.

Jisung frowned and whined at them to stop- explaining that the call was just a simple call for help, "he literally just asked me what to do."

"Ji! It's just an update notice, doesn't he know how to read? Everybody knows what to do in a software update notice, please! Why bother asking you this early? He wanted to hear your voice!" His freckled friend explained. Well, Jisung is not stupid but he doesn't want to believe his friend either since he knows that this is probably not the reason behind that phone call and the older just genuinely wanted help.

"You really should stop watching and reading romance fiction, you're living in a fantasy now."

"I'm sure, he likes you!" Felix argued.

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