Letter 34

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Minho hyung

Jisung opened his phone and confusedly stared at the message Minho sent him. What's up? This kind of message is making Jisung nervous for some reason. His mother usually texts him his name if he's in trouble.

Yes, Hyung?

Once he had already replied, he continued working on his computer again. It's Wednesday and it's only 11 AM. Jisung doesn't usually receive messages during the daytime because all his friends are busy at work around this time but maybe there's an emergency? Or Minho is just bored since the veterinary clinic is closed today for renovation. Jisung waited and immediately opened the message the moment it dinged.

Minho hyung
Are you busy?

Not really Hyung
Why? Is something wrong?

Jisung silently waited for the older's response again but instead of a message, Jisung's phone starts ringing implying that someone is calling him. He automatically smiled the moment he saw Minho's name on his phone and immediately answered the call.

"Hello, Hyung? What's up?"

"[Ji, can you help me? I don't know what's happening my laptop suddenly stopped working and I really need to finish something.]" Jisung listened to the older and chuckled at his confused voice.

"You're aware that I'm a programmer not a technician, right?" He sarcastically responded.

"[Are they different? It's about technology anyway.]" with that, Jisung starts laughing this time. Minho sounds cute and Jisung can imagine his blinking confused eyes.

"Yes Hyung they are different but what happened? Why did it stop?"

"[I honestly have no idea.]"

"Is it totally shut down? Or is it still opening?"

"[It's open but I can't do anything.]"

"Okay, I think I can check it. Do you really need it now? Or can you wait?" Jisung asked the older. Minho went silent for a moment so Jisung waited for him to respond.

"[I don't really want to bother you but I need it now. Can I go there so you can check it out?]" Jisung just hummed in response. He has work but he wants to see Minho and hang out. His job is just at home anyway and he can do whatever he wants to do the whole day.

"Yeah, just knock once you're already in my front door." The older sighed in relief and thanked the younger male before cutting the phone call.

When the line stopped, Jisung immediately stood up to check if his apartment was clean, thankfully because the house is not that messy so he managed to clean in just 10 minutes. It's a good thing that Minho's house is far from his apartment.

Jisung went back to working on his computer again, of course, coding while chatting with his other co-workers for some clarification for the project they are currently working on. After an hour Jisung's doorbell rang, he stood up and opened the door for Minho.

When the door opened, a well dressed Minho showed up, standing so gracefully at his doorstep with a backpack bag on his back. Jisung is not even sure if Minho is literally shining or it's just his obvious likings towards the older taking over that he felt like stupid standing in front of a prince-like veterinarian.

"Hi," the older man greeted with a small smile on his face. Of course, that smile twists Jisung's insides. He felt like there's a war inside his stomach, he feels stupid to be honest. Was this the spark people have been talking about? The butterflies? He doesn't know but whatever this unusual feeling was, he likes it.

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