Letter 26

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Jisung excitedly walked out of his apartment to go to the tent bar. Of course, he's excited to meet his new friend. It's been already a week since they started talking and they just decided to accompany each other when they are in the tent bar.

Jisung can't even process that he's been talking to his crush for a week now. He also learned that Minho is older than him and they attended the same university and Jisung's dad was Minho's professor in one of his minor general subject, which made Jisung wonder what Minho looks like when he was still a student. One thing is for sure, he's handsome.

When Jisung reached the place, he frowned, "the heck? Where are they?" He looked around and searched for the certain tent but it's not there, only those tent bars next to ahjuma's.

A deep sigh and a groan was the only thing Jisung can react. He's in the mood to eat ahjuma's tteokbokki but they are close tonight, plus, add the fact that he'll not be meeting Minho disappoints him.

"Damn, I literally have nothing in my fridge," he whispered. He don't want to look for another place to have his late dinner, he's too lazy for that.

"That's too bad for you," Jisung automatically looked behind him and saw Minho.


"I kinda want to drink today but they are close," Jisung nodded and hmmn to the older's statement.

"I am also craving for ahjuma's tteokbokki but I guess I'm not getting it tonight," Minho only hummed then there's a short silence between them. Jisung looked around and faked like he's looking for other place to have his late dinner just to avoid being awkward.

"I think I'll just go home, hyung, I don't really like the other stalls around here. I'll head home first," he said with a smile although he's disappointed.

"I thought you have nothing in your fridge," Minho giggled. That made Jisung flustered, shy, and embarrassed at the same time which only made Minho giggle even more.

"I can just grab something else in the convenience store on my way home," Jisung reasoned. The older nodded his head then smiled at the younger again, "do you want tteokbokki?" Minho asked.

"I'm craving for it but I don't thi-"

"Just yes or no, Ji."

"I-- hmm yes, I'm craving for it."

"I know a place selling a good tteokbokki but it's a bit far from here. If you badly want it I can take you there," Jisung is internally screaming. He want it but he's shy to admit it to the older but he want it so badly. Not the tteokbokki, but to hangout with the older boy.

"That's only if you're okay with it, Ji," Minho added.

Jisung took a few minutes before answering the older's offer, "Well, I guess I can give it a try since you said it's good," Minho's smile become wider. He's also rooting for Jisung to say yes because he doesn't want to waste his effort going to Hongdae from his home, his house is literally 20 minutes drive away from Hongdae.

"Okay then, you follow me Mr Han," Minho smiled again then escorted the younger going to the parking space where he parked his car.

When they reached the car, Jisung confusedly looked at him.

"Do we really need to use a car, hyung? I thought it's just somewhere around here," he asked.

"It's a bit far from Hongdae, do you still want it?" Jisung ohh-ed as he nodded his head in understanding, "I still want to try it but is it not rude for me to get in your car? We literally just started talking just a week ago and I kinda feel shy," Minho, being his usual self, suddenly started blankly to Jisung while his head is slightly tilted, then blinked repeatedly. Of course, that alarmed Jisung. The younger was about to speak again but Minho chuckled.

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