Letter 43

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Felix clung his arms around his friend's left arm that moment the boys decided to head out. He was pouting and softly squeezing Jisung's arm, "I'm really sorry, I didn't expect him to react that way," he whispered to make sure that only he and Jisung were the ones who heard it.

Jisung stared at him, followed by an eye roll when Felix was staring at him with puppy doe eyes. Jisung sighed, "fine, only because you're cute," he whispers back, earning a wide grin from his friend.

Felix automatically hugged Jisung, "you're really the best," he whispered again.

"And you're the worst," Jisung answers.

"I know. That's what makes us compatible." The freckled boy giggled.

Two men slowly walked out of the house too, following the four other men in the front gate that's also too caught off about their car engine conversation. Felix and Jisung joined them, Felix immediately clinging his arm around his boyfriend's waist as he stood next to him while Jisung stood beside Hyunjin.

"Yeah, just always check the engine's water so it won't overheat," Chan said, making Hyunjin and Minho nod at him.

The men's attention shifted to the newly arrived men and smiled at them, "I think we should get going," Minho politely said with the others nodding in approval.

"Are you taking a bus home?" Minho asked Jisung. Felix and Hyunjin hid their cheeky smiles when the veterinarian asked their friend.

Jisung shook his head to him, "no Hyung, I'll join Hyunjin and Jeongin," he answered, which Minho only nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, let's just wait for Jeongin, he's on a phone call with his dad," Hyunjin said, pointing at his boyfriend who was standing while on his phone a few steps away from them.

After a few minutes of waiting, Jeongin finally came back with an annoyed facial expression that Hyunjin immediately addressed.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, my dad called me that Yoon is in the police station," Jeongin said, taking his friends by surprise and worries.

"What happened?" Jisung asked.

"Asshole got caught stealing something in a store in Sinsu-dong, I have to pick him up," Jeongin said, annoyed.

"Sinsu-dong? What is he doing there? That's so far from your home." Felix worriedly asked.

"I don't know, he's been getting involved in a lot of trouble lately. Such a pain, I don't understand teenagers now." The youngest frustratedly answered. He's just so annoyed that he has to deal with his younger brother now instead of driving home with his boyfriend.

"We should drive now, hun, it's a two hours drive from here," Hyunjin recalled, making Jeongin nod.

"Yeah, we should. That asshole sure gonna be getting a lot of scolding from me, he's such a pain in the ass." Jeongin annoyingly said again.

"Sure, you will. You always do." Hyunjin giggled, earning a light smack from his boyfriend "Wait! Ji, we're driving in a different way now. Will you be fine?" Hyunjin asked his friend.

"Yeah, I'll just take the bus," Jisung answered with a smile. It's not a big deal for him and he doesn't really want to bother anyone. In fact, Jisung doesn't have any plans of joining a ride with them earlier but Jeongin offered him a ride home.

That moment Jisung answered, Minho slightly raised his hand, asking to join the conversation and said, "I can drive you home," he offered which Jisung instantly shook his head to refuse.

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