Letter 27

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Thursday, 10:13 PM

Felix angrily got out of the car and slammed the door of the passenger seat before finally entering their house, walking straight to his and Chan's shared room. The elder immediately followed his boyfriend to confront him and ask what is he being so furious about.

"Felix, seriously!?" Chan started.

"I told you not to fucking talk, Chan! What's so hard about it!? You should have just let her talk!" Felix angrily said.

"What!? So, you're mad about me standing up for you? What the fuck, Felix? What do you want me to do huh? Wha--"

"I want you to shut your fucking mouth! That simple! Just shut up!"

"She was bad mouthing you!"

"SO WHAT!?" The younger screamed, making them both shock by the sudden action. There was a few seconds of silence, a silence full of tension before Felix continued talking, "I asked you so nicely, you agreed, What did you do? What did you do, Christopher? Goddammit!"

Felix starts tearing up, he's so mad, he's so upset, embarrassed, and ashamed to what happened earlier in the Bang's residence.

They came to visit Chan's family to join them in celebrating Hannah's birthday. But just like the other days, Chan's mother kept commenting bad about Felix. Chan's first thought was to speak and stop his mother from talking badly about his boyfriend in front of everybody but it only got worse because his mother got angry and they gradually fought about Felix which caught a lot of attention from Hannah's guests.

"Felix, you know I can't stand her talking that way to you," now, Chan is worried. He made the younger upset.

"That's why I asked you if I'm even invited Christopher, but you keep insisting that I should be there. You know what? I'm just trying to fit in your family, I want them to like me, but what did you do? You should have just let her talk, I can bear with all of those bullshit. But now, I don't know! I'm so fucking ashamed to even be there ever again, all thanks to you and the drama you started!" Felix burst out. He was disappointed, he was so disappointed, of all people who would judge him, why the fuck does it have to be from his boyfriend's family? He was too embarrassed by the humiliation and attention they had gotten earlier at Hannah’s party. He knows that he ruined Hannah's supposed to be happy night and he's so ashamed of it.

"You know, I'm so fucking tired of your family. I'm tired of everything they are saying, I'm tired of your positive hopes that maybe, just maybe, if I keep showing up they'll eventually like me too. I'm so fucking tired of humiliation, Chan. And now, they might be thinking that I was just that hoe your mother is saying, that hopeless motherfucker keeps clinging to her son. Maybe she's right, maybe I'm not really the one, why not go ask that veterinarian out? He looks so fine and stable enough. He might be better than everything about me, anyway," Chan flinched. And here's Felix, bringing up the other male again. Chan never liked it whenever Felix mentions Minho just because he is jealous and this in not even the first time they'll be arguing about the said male.

"Stop, here you are again. This have nothing to do with Minho. Why would you bring him up again?" Chan irritatedly asked.

"Why not? He was mentioned earlier by your mother as well so why not? You were texting him, You keep talking about him, your mum likes him! So why not!?"

"What? You know that it's about Berry! Why the fuck are you thinking like that? You're making simple things complicated!"

"Every fucking night Chan! You're texting him every fucking night! What's so wrong with Berry that you have to message her damn veterinarian every fucking night?" Felix angrily said.

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