Letter 40

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"I'm home, girls! Jisung is here, greet him." That moment Minho spoke, the three cats welcomed them with loud meowing to their owner.

"Hello lovelies," Jisung greeted the cats with a wide smile on his face.

Both men entered the house, Jisung carrying the gift they bought for Minho's colleague while the older one was holding his groceries.

"I'll prepare for dinner, eat here okay?" Minho said, which Jisung gladly nodded as his response.

"Hyung is cooking so of course! By the way, where do I put this?" Jisung cheerfully responded then asked the older man where to place Minho's gift for Changbin's wedding.

"Oh! I think in my room. Wait I'll just place these in the kitchen," Minho said then walked to his kitchen. When Minho came back he accompanied Jisung in his room.

Jisung looked around the room seeing the same interior like last time, the older's graduation photos and the neutral colour scheme of the room, aesthetically pleasing as usual. Jisung glanced at the older's computer before putting down the gift on the side of the older's room.

"Whoa, you play this too?" Jisung asked when he saw Minho's open computer and the screen was showing a game that's moving automatically.

"Yes, MIR4 is quite popular so I tried it," Minho said, chuckling to himself.

Jisung walked closer to the desktop and observed the older's game, "wow Hyung! You sure you just tried this? Because your character is hella loaded."

"Last year, I had it in my laptop too. Changbin recommended this game to me." The younger man nodded his head in amazement. He didn't expect Minho to be the kind of person who plays this kind of video game.

"You know, Felix is really good at MIR4. He grinds three accounts all at once, my friend Jeongin too. We all have it and we play together if we're not busy but Felix is the best player just don't ask me about his LoL gaming he's bad at it." Both men laughed.

"I am more of a PUBG person so I don't usually play LoL too so I guess I'm bad at it too," Jisung wowed again.

"Shame on you that's the starters Hyung but anyway, I did not expect you to know many computer games, Hyung."

"I'm once a university student too, Ji. You know how popular computer games are in Uni." Jisung nodded while still focused on observing Minho's game.

"For a vet med major, I thought it was very rare to encounter a student who plays computer games a lot," Jisung explained. Minho raised a brow and jokingly responded to the younger, "Oh, you're stereotyping me." He responded, which made Jisung giggle.

"I'm sorry, cause I am a stereotype. You know, a computer major student who likes video games. A smart introvert with no friends until Felix decided to stick around. Everything about me was the stereotype when I was still attending school." The younger one said. Now, Minho is looking confused.

"Really? Cause you don't seem the stereotype to me, you're very unique." Jisung instantly blushed so he looked away from Minho and moved closer to the older's desktop computer.

"Can I Play your game while you cook dinner for us, Hyung?" He said, trying to change the conversation's topic.

Minho chuckled when he noticed the younger's sudden change of mood, it was cute to see how flustered he was.

"Sure, I'll call you once I'm done."

Jisung smiled before sitting on the computer chair, "thank you Hyung," he said.

And just like that, Jisung spent an hour playing MIR4 and texting his friends while waiting for Minho to call him out. The older on the other hand was busy trying to perfect his cooking to impress the younger man while of course, with his cats, Soonie and Doongie on the ground looking at him with judgmental stares.

Dori stayed with Jisung in Minho's room. Like the other time, the youngest cat is laying on the computer table in front of the monitor while watching Jisung's hands and fingers move. The cat occasionally tries to reach Jisung's fingers and Jisung finds it cute so he pets the cat in return.

"You're such a cutie baby~ shall I give you more belly rub?" Jisung sweetly says to the cat which just showed her belly even more.

"Oh! You really want it~" he rubbed the cat more until the small creature stood up and walked closer to him. Dori looked at Jisung then hopped on his lap and rested.

A big smile crept on the man's face, Dori is such a sweet cuddle bug.

Jisung let the cat rest on his lap while petting her head gently until he noticed that the cat was actually shedding.

"Oh no, your fur is everywhere. I should comb you instead." Jisung looked around to check if he could see a comb until he noticed a not so big cabinet with the cat's name on each section. Jisung moved, making the cat jump out of his lap. He stood up and walked closer to the cabinet and checked the section for Dori but found nothing except from the cat's accessories. Jisung tried to open a drawer next to it where he found an animal medicine kit, wowing at how organised it was.

Jisung tried to look for the comb until he opened a drawer full of envelopes. Looking at them, they are definitely Minho's bills. Jisung was about to close it but suddenly his eyes caught a somehow familiar envelope design so out of curiosity he picked it up and checked the envelope. His eyes widen when a certain calligraphy of HJS was written on it, "fuck no," he mumbled.

He looked at the door first until he decided to open the unsealed envelope and check what's inside. Seeing the familiar design of a special paper and smelling its scent instantly gave shivers to his whole body. He froze in shock and embarrassment, his face is probably red already.

Jisung wanted to know if this letter was really that letter he was thinking it was so he unfolded the paper to check it out and seeing the first words written on the paper, he knew he should run and hide himself from embarrassment.

He looked at it in disbelief and read,

Dear no one,

Today I had an awful day. My friends decided to ditch uni to meet some random people from the other university near ours. Felix said those people are on for hook up and my other two friends actually came with him to make fun of those people. Well, I'm on to following them but my dad saw me sneaking out from the parking lot of the campus, I hate this. And so I spent an hour together with my dad in the faculty office before my next class began. Oh no! Future someone, don't get me wrong. I'm not gonna follow them to join their silly plan, I was planning to wait for them to finish messing up Felix's date and join them for a boys night at Hyunjin's, I don't like the grumpy professor in my class anyway but I still attended it because my father caught me. Imagine how awful that was for me, this is why I don't want to study in a university where my father works. Oh anyway, I'm ranting my lungs out again I'm sorry. How are you though? Are you okay? I hope you're in a good situation and everything is going fine with you. Are you taking care of yourself? Please be healthy, future someone! I want to see you healthy so I don't have to worry that much for you. Hey, Take care always! I'll update you more often. I'm so sorry if this letter took a month away from the last one. I promise to take care of myself too, just make sure that you're healthy too. Thank you and I love you, see you very soon, future someone!

Your future lover,
Han Jisung

I'm good, I'm doing fine.
I hope you are too Han Jisung.

* * *

First chapter update this year. Happy new year everyone!


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