Letter 16

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"Bye Ji!" Felix waved his hand to his friends before hopping in his boyfriend's car.

"Thank you for accompanying Felix I hope he didn't cried." Chan said, letting out a small chuckle so Jisung and the other guys giggled, "nah, he didn't. He just ranted the hell out of his lungs," Jisung said.

"Of course he did," both boys laughed.

"He's frustrated, maybe you can make it up to him he's really stressing out because of your mother." Chan nodded his head then apologised to his boyfriend's best friends for making him really upset before going in his car to drive home.

The three boys watched the car go until it's out of their sights.

Jisung faced his friends, he crossed his arms, and gave his friends a serious look, "are you together now?" He asked.

Jeongin shook his head immediately while Hyunjin sighed.

"No we're not."

"Not yet."

The boys responded in unison so Jisung nodded.

It's funny how hard Jeongin is trying to deny the fact that he's already starting to like Hyunjin even it's already so obvious. He's been denying it for a month now because he's shy to admit that it only took him a few months to get over Jisung. Well, not fully get over him but Hyunjin is helping a lot that's why he's slowly forgetting about his feeling for Jisung while also slowly catching feelings for Hyunjin but as much as possible he doesn't want to settle yet.

It's not like Hyunjin is not worthy, but like Felix, he wants to take it slowly. He had been crushing on Jisung their whole university years although they never really dated there's still a pinch of guilt in his heart everytime he's thinking about giving Hyunjin a chance. He feels like he need a few more months before officially letting Hyunjin to take over his heart as a respect to all them three who's been unconsciously dealing with their unnoticed love triangle.

He wants to give Jisung time to recover from feeling guilty for rejecting him, he wants to give himself a break from all the heartbreaks he felt during the time, and he wants Hyunjin to take it slowly and give himself a break from all those secret heartbreaks he felt watching him and Jisung from behind secretly. Jeongin wants to respect their healing time, that's why, he want to take everything slow as possible which Hyunjin understand and respect.

"Don't mind me, no matter what you both want to do is fine with me. If I'm still one of the reasons why you both can't keep going then I'm here to remind you both that I'll respect your decision no matter what." Jisung gave them a reassuring smile so Hyunjin smiled back. Hearing those from Jisung made him feel at ease. He's happy that after everything, there's no awkward and bitter feelings roaming around their group of friends.

"Thank you," Hyunjin whispered.

"I think we should go home too so you can rest," Hyunjin added. Jeongin nodded in agreement so they bid their goodbyes and Hyunjin and Jeongin also walked to the nearest bust station to go home.

Jisung walked back inside his apartment and directly went to his room to continue his unfinished work for his second job. He have all his time on his hand but it's still so tiring using his head for almost 24 hours. His part-time job doesn't have any particular time to follow but he still need to complete the 8 hours allotted for him so sometimes he's still awake around 3 AM if he wasted plenty of his time sleeping after his first job.

He's earning big that's why his friends are kinda thinking of doing the same too so he reminded them that working at home alone is sometimes more draining than working in an actual office with a proper interaction to people. He's earning big because he's committing and sacrificing a big effort too and it's not that easy as it seems.

Jisung sat down infront of his computer again, examining his unfinished codes then sighed. He's feeling lazy to continue, we wants a proper sleep.

Jisung opened the drawer of his computer table to get a piece of sweet treat to boost his energy but his eyes landed on a familiar bundle of special paper and envelop that's been untouched for a year now. He chuckled upon remembering those letters he wrote for "special someone" how stupid of him to actually do that.

He shook his head with a smile on his face then closed the drawer after getting a treat for himself then continued working in his project again.

* * *

Minho opened the door of his house and the moment he stepped in, a huge excited smile of his mother greeted him, "how was he?" She asked making Minho sigh.

"He has a boyfriend," Mrs Lee's mouth dropped upon hearing the information from his son.

"What? How? Why?" She asked in disbelief.

"His mum doesn't like his current boyfriend so she set him up for a blind date. Please, all these people you're referring to me is such a waste of time mum let's just stop doing this."

"His boyfriend must be ugly, poor him." Minho gave his mum a look of disbelief after hearing her unexpected comment.

"Stop that mum, I'm heading to my room. Wake me up tomorrow I'll drive you home," Mrs Lee nodded his head then responded with an "okay".

Minho asked if the cats already ate and after assuring that they are, Minho walked to his room.

Minho washed his face, brushed his teeth, and changed to his more comfortable clothes before laying in his bed. He sighed remembering earlier's event. He'll be lying if he say that Chan is not attractive at all because he is. Chan is one of those few decent guy he met through his mother's blind dates and to be honest he's also his type.

Seeing the older earlier made him feel a bit flattered, the man was looking so handsome and fine. Minho kinda grew an interest on him but the moment Chan talked awkwardly, Minho felt off. He was trying to get into a proper conversation but the older was obviously uninterested so when he admitted that he has a boyfriend Minho understood why he was acting that way.

Minho found it sexy when Chan talks about his boyfriend. He felt happy and proud hearing the older boy proudly brag his boyfriend to him, he admires it a lot. He's jealous of him, he's jealous of that fact that Chan can feel those special romantic feeling towards someone, he felt a bit jealous when he said they cuddle a lot because his boyfriend likes cuddling which led Minho to remember something. That certain person who's been wanting to cuddle his special someone.

"I bet Han Jisung already found someone to cuddle," he whispered.

It's been a year since he last received a letter from Han Jisung. The younger boy really stopped sending them after that last letter saying that he'll stop. At first, Minho felt a bit lonely after being used to receiving them then suddenly everything stopped. He was still waiting on the first weeks but when a month passed by he stopped hoping that Han Jisung will still send any of his letters.

Minho went quiet, he laid properly and stared at the ceiling of his room while humming some song that just suddenly popped in his mind until he felt a weight on his stomach noticing that one of his cats came to cling on him.

"What do you need Doongie?" He reached for the cat's head then starts petting her. Doongie let out a small meow then starts rubbing her head back to Minho's hand leading the boy to think of one thing, "are you in heat again?" Minho smiled at the cat.

"You only remembers me if you're in heat so you probably are." He added, chuckling at his cute pet trying to get his full attention.

He likes the feeling whenever his most snob cat ask for his attention, it's fulfilling.

"Who needs a boyfriend to cuddle? I have you and two other girls with me," he laughed at his own silly words, it's funny how he cover up his loneliness by putting his cats in the momentum. Maybe, just maybe he's really meant to be like a cat lady his whole life.

Minho chuckled to his funny weird thoughts, "good night Doongie," he whispered then closed his eyes to rest.

* * *


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