Letter 38

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"Are you still good, Ji?" Minho asked the younger boy. He was seated on the side of his bed while watching Jisung do stuff on his newly bought desktop.

"Yeah Hyung, sorry if I'm taking too much time I just need to download and update a lot of stuff here to avoid your PC from being damaged internally." The younger responded while still looking straight at the computer's screen.

Minho, along with his cat Soonie, are both just chilling and watching the boy from the bed, admiring the focused man quietly.

"Do you want coffee?" The older man asked again but Jisung was silent for a minute before looking at Minho with an innocent gaze then nodded, "yes please, Hyung," he responded.

Minho chuckled at the boy then stood up to go to his kitchen and prepare the younger a coffee, leaving Jisung alone with Dori who was laying on the computer table right in front of Jisung.

Minho walked to the kitchen, Soonie and Doongie following behind, meowing and asking for treats once again. Minho looked at his two sitting cats in front of their eating area. The cats are looking at him with wide eyes as if they were eyeing him and telling him to fuck off and just give them food again.

Minho sighed and got his cats their treats. The moment the plastic bag made a noise, a grey-ish back cat went running from the room to the kitchen— meowing so loudly at Minho too, along with the other two ginger cats.

"I'm your dad stop ordering me," Minho nagged at the three who only meowed back at him a bit louder this time implying that they are being impatient for the treats.

"Alright, stop nagging hungry monsters." With that, the veterinarian gave them their treats then washed his hands to make Jisung his coffee.

When Minho went back to the room, Jisung was still sitting in the same spot, same position, and same facial expressions which Minho really found adorable. He walked closer to the younger and placed the coffee on the table as he patted the younger's shoulder, "your coffee, sir," he said, making the younger man giggle.

"Thank you, Hyung." Jisung politely responded to Minho who was already walking back to his bed where he was sitting earlier.

"Do you need anything else?" Minho asked. They haven't had dinner yet and it's almost 11 pm now. Coffee is the first thing Minho could offer the younger one since he's aware that Jisung likes coffee so much.

"Nothing, Hyung. Actually, I'm just waiting for this to finish updating but I think it will take long." Jisung is now facing the older man while he's sipping on his coffee cup.

"How long?" The older asked.

"Probably tomorrow morning. You'll just wait then it'll automatically restart then everything is fine," the older nodded his head in understanding.

There was a comfortable silence between the two men when Dori suddenly jumped on the computer table, going back to her place earlier. Jisung smiled at the cat and pet her on her head gently which the cat obviously enjoyed.

"She likes you, Hanji," Minho softly said.

The younger man continued petting the cat while he gave his attention to Minho, "you think so, Hyung?" He asked which Minho smilingly nodded.

"Dori doesn't like visitors. She's the most territorial among them so she doesn't like seeing unfamiliar faces, she's a bit feisty even with my mum." Jisung gave his gaze to the cat and cooed, petting the small animal even more.

"You like me? I like you too, cutie~" the man sweetly sang. Minho was smiling and giggling too. He loves the idea of Jisung liking his so-called daughter; it's like everything to him. The person he has his interest in like his cats was a flattering idea for him.

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