Letter 14

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"Lee Minho, when are you planning to get up?" Mrs Lee said from the living room. Minho sighed and responded, "I only have one day off mum, can't I really sleep?"

There was silence but not until Mrs Lee opened Minho's room.

"It's almost 4 PM! Didn't we agreed that you'll meet my new friend's son?" Here she is again. Minho let out a sigh again before sitting in his bed.

"This is the 6th person you said will be my last blind date. I don't want to go you keep setting me up to people," he whined. Mrs Lee came in and walked to his direction then sat next to her son.

"You're nearly twenty-seven, Minho. Let me just see you in a relationship okay? Let me know how it feels if my only child is finally happy with someone."

"You talk like you're dying."

"We don't know, we never know."

"I was kidding mum, seriously? Don't say that you know that I hate when you talk like that." Minho reached for his phone and checked the real time. His mum is surely just over reacting to the time.

"Why, you don't want me to die?" Mrs Lee raised a brow and looked at her son.

Minho made face and responded with an irritated tone, "whose child would want their parents to die? Seriously mum? Just shut it, I'll meet your friend's son I know this is what you want to hear so you're trying to make me feel guilty." Minho stood up from sitting on his bed then went out to greet his three cats in the livingroom.

Mrs Lee followed with a very big smile plastered on her face. She followed Minho to the livingroom and said, "he's a fine handsome man my friend showed me his photo."

"I don't really care mum I'm just meeting him cause you want me to."

"Hey! Don't be a brat Minho, okay? Act the best way you can. You both are professionals don't disappoint me," Minho nodded. He walked to the kitchen to get himself a snack then went back to the livingroom to watch TV first.

He sat on the sofa next to Dori after reaching the remote.

"Minho? You should start preparing now you only have an hour before the meeting time." His mum nagged.

"Exactly, that's still an hour from now."

"No! Start preparing now."

"Muuuuuum!" Mrs Lee pulled Minho up to stand then pushed him to the bathroom.

Minho irritatedly sighed. Sometimes he can't stand his mother's childishness. He just obeyed and took a quick bathe then prepared himself to meet this fine handsome guy his mum is saying.

The time went fast and Minho reached the meeting place. His mum said that he's looking for a fine man on his mid twenties. Minho went to the restaurant's counter and asked for that the reserved table under Mr Lee. The receptionist escorted him to the table and the guy he's meeting is already sitting there.

"Good evening, I'm sorry for making you wait," Minho greeted.

The man stood up and gave him a bow the  slightly smiled at him, "it's okay I just arrived about 5 minutes ago."

Minho returned the smile before extending his hand for a proper hand shake, "I'm Minho, by the way. Lee Minho,"

"Bang Chan, nice meeting you Minho." Minho nodded then gestured to Chan to sit.

They sat opposite from each other. Chan raised his hand to call someone so they can order while Minho watched silently. Silence filled them after they ordered so Minho tried to start a conversation.

"So Chan, how old are you?" He awkwardly asked.

"Twenty-seven." There's another silence making Minho to feel nervous.

He didn't even asked me back, what the hell?

Minho nodded then spoke again, "I'm twenty-six." Chan nodded in response then there's another awkward silence.

"What do you do in life? Are you working?" Minho asked to keep the conversation going but Chan only stared at him.

If this dude keep acting like this I won't let mum sleep later, this is the most awkward and uncomfortable blind date ever.

"I have a boyfriend," Chan said out of nowhere.

Minho looked at him awkwardly, "hm yeah? And I'm a veterinarian." Then another silence filled them not until Chan chuckled which Minho found really weird.

"I'm an engineer and I'm dating a sassy web developer for four months now." Minho didn't respond. How the hell he's suppose to respond? That's just really awkward! The man has a boyfriend but still here with him for a blind date? Just what he fuck?

"My mum doesn't like him yet that's why I'm here. I just want you to know that this date will probably the first and last one, Minho." Okay, Minho get it. He nodded and smiled.

"Well, that's a relief because I'm not suppose to be in here but my mum annoyed me for the whole damn week for this date." Minho heard the older laughed slightly which is his signal saying that he's not messing up.

"Well I guess we both got some good nagging the whole week," they both let out a small laugh.

"Annoying nagging, my mum's been setting me up to alot of blind dates and it's already so tiring."

"That's sick. I am sick of this idea, to be honest. This is the first time my mum set me up to a date cause she doesn't like my new boyfriend just because he is a fresh grad, he just graduated a year ago. She's also not pleased to his profession because she's not familiar with web developers so she looks at them lowly, y'know like a typical Asian mum. She want me to date a doctor or an engineer too, so funny."

"Well I think, that's more sick. How's your boyfriend tho? Did he know that you're here?"

"Yes, he was pouty earlier when I dropped him off to his friend's apartment before I came here."

"That's cute tho, hope you two would last long." Chan smiled at the younger, "I'm hoping for that too. He's one of a kind." Minho smiled while listening to the older.

He likes hearing those cute couple stories. It's making him wonder how fun it is to have a lover.

The night went going and the date was pretty fun for the both of them. Minho let Chan to talk about his boyfriend and they also shared some life stories which they enjoyed so much.

Minho is happy hearing other people's love interest, it's satisfying for him. Although its making him to feel a bit lonely.

He also want to date someone but who and how? No one's coming on him like no one is interested of him. But he's sure that someday someone will.

* * *
AN: oh gosh idk I'm so sleepy I hope I didn't messed up with this update I'll read later~ 😂


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