Letter 12

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"Stand properly Felix! Gosh!" Hyunjin dramatically said to his friend.

"I'm already standing PROPERLY! The heck? I want this pose," Felix responded with the same amount of sassiness to Hyunjin.

"I said formal photo can you be normal for once? You're wasting our academic dress c'mon let's be formal yeah? Hold your certs and stand properly," Hyunjin explained making Felix roll his eyes to his friend then finally stood properly while holding his certificate.

"Make sure I'm the prettiest there, Rachel." Felix said to his older sister who's the one taking their photo.

"Just stand properly you're wasting everyone's time," she said, earning an exaggerated laugh from Hyunjin. Felix glared at Hyunjin.

"We only need a few shots guys why are we taking so much time, my dad is waiting in the faculty office y'know." This time, Jisung spoke. He really want to go as fast as he can because he's feeling awkward towards Jeongin's presence because the younger is acting really quiet.

"It's Felix!" Hyunjin pointed.

"Yikes, just shut up and pose," Jeongin said. The boys went quiet then made a formal standing post while holding their graduation certificates.

"Okay! One, two, smile." Rachel counted so the boys stood still smiling to the camera.

It's a lie if they'll say that the atmosphere is not awkward, because it is. Jeongin is normally the kind of person who talks alot to tease his friends but right now he's acting very quiet. Of course, he's broken and seeing Jisung makes him even sadder.

Everything is awkward so Hyunjin and Felix is trying to light up the mood by teasing each other. They know what happened but both Jisung and Jeongin doesn't have an idea that the two knew. Well, Jeongin knows that Hyunjin know cause he was the one who told Hyunjin, but Jisung has no idea of them knowing. He's thinking that it's just between him and Jeongin.

Jeongin is just too sad and broken not to vent out to someone and that someone is Hyunjin, the friend who he runs to whenever he needs someone to talk to. Whenever he's sad and upset, Hyunjin is always there to listen. Hyunjin is always the one who listen to his plans and hopes to be with Jisung so he also ran to Hyunjin when Jisung rejected him for the 2nd time.

For Hyunjin, listening to Jeongin about Jisung is like a suicide. It hurts him but that's the only way he can do for the younger to make him feel better and to be always be with him. Yes, he likes Jeongin since day one but never tried to open that up to the younger. The only person who knows about his feelings to Jeongin is Felix. So everytime Jeongin has something about Jisung, Hyunjin listens then run to Felix after to open up.

It's funny to think this way but it's the truth about them. Jisung is always so reserved so he barely open up to them and he do it when everyone is listening so for Jisung he thinks that the others is like him too, that's what he knows.

"Gosh finally! Now we can pose whatever we want," Hyunjin commented after their formal photo. Again, they pose and took photos.

Their graduation is such an awkward event for them since they can't really enjoy their time together. The tension between the two members of their squad is bringing the whole atmosphere down even it they try to act lowkey about it.

When they finished taking pictures, Jisung told them that he needs to go because his family is waiting for him which the other understand since they all are in the same boat. Felix's sister is waiting for him so they can celebrate together since they only have each other cause their family lives in Australia and he's also hoping that Chan could come after his work if he is not busy. Hyunjin's parents are also waiting for him because they are going to their relatives' house to celebrate his and his cousins graduation as well. Same with Jeongin's family, they are waiting in the parking lot because they will celebrate and have a dinner in a restaurant his older brother reserved for them, while Jisung will go home with his family to celebrate at home with his relatives to probably brag about him being a magna cum laude. Nah, just his father's thing.

"Keep in touch okay? Let's celebrate the next days then let's do a job hunting together." The boys nodded their heads to Hyunjin before finally separating to each other.

Jisung walked to the faculty office where his father is waiting for him. He sighed, he needs to ready himself to another annoying family gathering.

* * *

Jisung walked upstairs going to his room in their house. He opened the door of his room which was unoccupied for two years. He walked towards his bed and threw himself there to rest.

He's tired, he's very tired- tired dealing to his father and his other relatives' neverending bragging and shaming. He was right, because the whole damn gathering went really annoying for him especially because his cousin, Seungmin, didn't stop to bother him.

He hates this day.

This day is supposed to be his happy day but it was ruined big time. Him and Jeongin's situation is already a pain in the ass for him, he hate that he needs to reject the younger, but what can he do? It's impossible for him to grow any romantic feelings for the younger boy and he doesn't want to lead the him on.

This day went worst because of his family. He hates it, he really do.

Jisung sighed, he wants to cry because of all the things he's feeling but he remained calm, he doesn't have the energy to cry, not now because he's already too exhausted to add another exhausting activity.

He stared blankly to the ceiling of his room thinking about life. He sighed again then stood up to go to his study table. Jisung opened his bag which is on his study table then get a set of special scented paper.

There is only one thing he can do to let out all his frustration. He sat infront of the table and started at the paper and his pen.

Maybe after writing a letter he'll feel better. Well, he should feel better because this letter will be the last one he'll make for his future someone. He needs to live in real world and stop his fantasies of this future someone thing. This is too childish of him.

How he can think of having this future someone when he was the one being distant to those people giving an interest to him? He pushed Jeongin away but still has the guts to write a letter for his future someone. This is stupid.

Jeongin is already an ideal man but because of that spark fantasy he have, he's slowly ruining his friendship to the younger boy. Stupid.

Jisung chuckled to himself, "stupid," he whispered before finally starts writing a letter.

This will be the last one and he'll start living in reality. Felix is right, he should risk sometimes.

* * *


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