Letter 09

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Jisung sat in front of his study table and signed. He laid his back on the backrest and closed his eyes to relax, "I'm so fucking tired," he whispered.

He remained silent to rest a bit when his phone rang. He opened his eyes and get his phone in his pocket and sighed the moment he saw that it's his dad. He picked the phone up and was greeted by an angry greeting, "[Han Jisung, what is it this time huh!?]" He rolled his eyes. He didn't even say hi.

"Oh hey dad, what's up?" He greeted, he tried to sound cheerful as possible to avoid his dad's angry comings but the older man is just too pissed to buy his son's deal.

"[Don't what's up me. Seriously Jisung, when are you growing up? You keep talking and talking! I told you to just ignore them if they starts coming on to you because you're a son of a professor, just shut your mouth! Look now you're in trouble! You know that professor can be the main cause to lose your spot for flying colours.]" Jisung rolled his eyes once again in irritation. That's really his concern? He got humiliated by a professor infront of his classmates but the first thing he said is about the honourable spot, like, what the fuck?

"Wow there, daddy. She smart shamed me because I'm your son! How come will I know everything she ask? She was pointing me the whole class and waiting for me to answer her wrong! She contradicts everything I say as if I'm trying to act arrogant infront of her and starts talking shit to me when she was clearly insecure to a fucking student! If she looks highly of you then it's you, not me! I don't have your brain, it's my brain working for me! I'm so tired of these stereotypes! Not because my family is good at something means I'm also good at it! That's so fucking annoying! Why do people keeps expecting something from me because of you!? I keep getting the comparison! I'm so tired of it! I'm so fucking tired of this family!"

"[HAN JISUNG! Watch your mouth! Go home right now!]"

"I was in school the whole day dad!? I don't want to deal with this, let me rest just plea--"

"[Go home!]" The line got cut so Jisung screamed his lungs out because of irritation. He's mad, really mad.

Earlier this day he had a class in one of his major subjects and his professor keeps calling him to answer the questions he obviously don't know because they never discussed about it until now. She was waiting for for him to answer wrong and when he did, this professor starts talking crap and starts comparing him to his dad and brother. He just tried to defend himself but the professor was too butt hurt and screamed on his face saying that he was being disrespectful and an arrogant student. She made it a big deal so Jisung got called in the office for his "bad bahaviour". Now that they gave him a suction, he will be having a hard time asking for them to sign his clearance for completion.

He only have a month before his graduation but this professor really tried to mess with him. She was always like that, her target was always Jisung from the very beginning of the semester until now. Jisung just got annoyed this time so he tried to defend himself but he ended up having a bad record in the office. That will surely affect his requirements, his clearance, more specifically.

Jisung aggressively scratched his head then sighed. He doesn't want to go home but his dad will surely gonna beat his ass if he didn't. He still don't want his dad to be so mad of him.

Jisung pouted, he can't really do anything but to obey. He opened the drawer of his table then get a special scented paper to write a letter for his future someone before going home to their family's house.

He neatly placed the paper on his table then starts writing.

Dear no one,

How's your day? Mine was terrible. I had a bad day in uni today, I got called to the guidance office for my "bad behaviour" haha crap that shit. I'm so pissed to my programming professor I can't help but to rant about her. Well, don't get me wrong I just tried to defend myself cause she was smart shaming me. She's stereotyping me and my family that's really annoying. I'll just spit my frustrations here because I'm so tired of this already, I'm so sick of being compared to my family.

Now I'm wondering about your family. Do you have a fun family? Cause mine is pretty boring. All they care about is our achievements, they brag a lot, it makes me feel sick. I don't care about the title but my dad's ego can't take us not being top. He always says that I should beat my cousins all the time, I don't understand why. To be honest, I'm tired of this. I don't want any of those achievements, it's sickening. I'm sick of the comparison to me and my brother or any of our family members, I'm sick of this pressure, I don't want this.

Oh my god... I'm sorry for writing my frustrations here. I didn't mean to.

By the way, how are you doing? I hope you're not having a bad day like me. Are you taking care of yourself? I hope you do, cause I want you healthy and safe. Please take care, I love you so much. See you in the future, love.

Your future lover,
Han Jisung

Minho chuckled after reading the letter he just received, "poor boy, he must be pressured." He said.

It's already been a week since their college reunion and his mum already went home.  Everything went smooth for this week, it's just his normal restless week, nothing much.

He just got home from work and decided to read the letter he got from the mail today after feeding his cats and cleaning himself. He's currently laying in his bed, he's holding the scented paper he just finished reading. He neatly folded it and reached for its envelope then slid it back before keeping the letter in his drawer together with the other letters.

Minho laid properly in his bed then covered himself with his fluffy duvet before reaching for his phone to check his social media accounts.

He's still wondering who is this Han Jisung. Because of the guy's constant sending of letters, Minho's interest is already so into him. He wants to meet Han Jisung and see how will the boy react if he found out that there is someone actually receiving his letters. It was so weird at first but now he didn't expect himself to wait for these letters to read them with excitement everytime.

Minho smiled remembering the recent letter he read. The last line Han Jisung wrote, see you in the future. Minho chuckled and shook his head a bit.

"Yeah sure, see you in the future," he whispered.

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