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A light buzzing alarm sounded in the kitchen, implying that the stew Minho had been boiling was ready for its next procedure. The man hurried to the kitchen from the living room area, where he was cleaning, to make sure that everything was in place and neat.

"Ah, fuck," he muttered when he tripped over Doongie, who had been meowing and following him since morning. Minho looked at his watch and sighed heavily when he saw the time. "Doongie, please, this is not the time to play around. Go to your sisters and Bbama," he urged with a hint of tension and pressure evident in his voice.

(A/N: Before you comment, I know Minho has finally clarified the cat's gender, but we already started with them being female in this book. This book was made before we received this information from Minho, so for consistency, I won't go back and edit the entire book just for that. After all, this is fiction.)

Ignoring the cat, Minho continued his way to the stew and added the other important ingredients to it before placing another pan on the stove next to the stew and preheating it. He took the defrosted meat from the microwave and started separating the slices from each other. He took another glance at the time and started panicking when he realized that he only had an hour and a half to prepare, and he still felt like things were out of control.

Once again, he heard the feline meow at him, and he just lost it, "Come on, shut it, Doongie. Please, what do you want?" he broke down, but the cat only meowed once again while looking at him when he finally realized that he forgot to open the cat's water fountain, which Doongie had been obsessing over since Minho bought it.

The man walked to the water fountain and accommodated Doongie's concern, and finally, the cat stopped following him. He sighed in relief when his phone rang, implying that someone was calling. Minho went back to the living room and answered the phone call, "Hello," he started.

"Sweetie, I called to inform you that we're now driving to your house. See you later, sweetheart." his mother's voice carried through the phone, which made Minho even more tense. "Yes, please drive safely with Dad. See you later," he answered and hung up the moment his mother bid him goodbye.

Minho started panicking until he remembered the pan he was preheating and the stove where the stew was on that he forgot to set on low heat, "this couldn't be so much fucked up," he mumbled when he saw the pan releasing smoke from overheating. Now, he feels so annoyed.

"Love, come here for a second," he called out to his lover who didn't respond.

"Ji?" Minho repeated while trying to focus on the kitchen until finally, Jisung responded with a very low, "Wait," that Minho barely even heard.

Minho didn't notice the absence of the ladder because he was too occupied with basting the beef until he remembered the chicken he was supposed to roast. He forgot about it and still hasn't put it out from the fridge. That's when he realized that Jisung is still not coming out of his office when he clearly needed help.

Minho irritably stomped upstairs to where the younger man's small office was located and aggressively opened the door, "Han Jisung, what the fuck!?" He, irritatedly started, "I've been calling you since morning."

"Wait, love," the younger answered, which annoyed the older further.

Minho looked at what Jisung was doing. It appears to him that the younger man is playing a game he's been invested in since started a couple of months ago, and that's when Minho lost his patience, "Jisung, can you fucking stop playing? I've been calling you, and you're not even bothered to answer."

"I'm not playing, I'm working," the other responded.

"It's literally the holiday eve, Jisung. Come on!"

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