Letter 31

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"I don't understand," Minho stared confusedly at Jisung, head tilted while mouth slightly gaped.

Jisung sighed, "Okay, let's say that Chan hyung doesn't completely own his life, he was always being told what to do and Felix was his flaw in the eyes of his family." Jisung explained while his hands are gesturing something like a representation of Chan and Felix.

Minho raised a brow at the younger and placed down his stainless chopsticks on his plate, "and how did I enter the picture with that? I don't see any connection to me," the older man seriously asked.

"Because you had a blind date with Chan hyung," Minho widened his eyes in surprise, "how did you know that?" He asked. Jisung giggled at him then took a small bite of his food, "duh, I'm Felix's best friend remember?" the younger responded.

"Okay, but I still don't understand how I became a part of their quarrel. That date was a one time thing only and knowing that I'm one of the reasons why they are fighting makes me feel really uncomfortable, I don't understand why."

"Because Felix is jealous, especially because you're now close with Chan hyung."

"I see, so it was because of jealousy. But me and Chan hyung are not really close, his dog is just my new regular patient," There was a smirk visible forming on Minho's lips and his facial expression tells that he's not really pleased by that reason.

"Please don't get my friend wrong, hyung. Felix is really a sweet loving person, I admit that he's really an annoying jealous dude sometimes but he never acted this badly before. It's just that there's something fuelling his anger and jealousy this time."

"I understand, but to be honest, I still don't see a reason to be jealous. Me and Chan hyung are not really close so I don't know how to react to this."

"That's for your point of view, hyung, but in Felix's point of view he's seeing something off. He was so intimidated and threatened about you because Chan hyung's mother likes you for her son. That was the main reason why you're in the frame," Jisung explained. Minho became more confused which was very visible in his facial expression.

"How come? I don't even know Chan hyung's mother, I never met her but I know she is my mum's friend." Jisung stopped playing with his food and gave the older one a confused look too, "really?" He asked so Minho nodded.

"I don't know her," Minho clarified once again.

There was a minute of silence and both guys were so confused about the new information they got from each other.

"I thought you're close to his family."

"No, I don't know them. This is probably because of my mum. She's so eager to find a lover for me so she keeps bragging about me to her friends and looking for someone that I can meet for a blind date," Jisung was surprised. He doesn't even know which part was he so surprised if it was about Minho not knowing Chan's family or was it about Minho's mother trying to get him a lover. Seems like everyone is so intrigued about Minho's love interest. But to be honest, Jisung is no better than them because he's also interested in knowing about it too.

"Well, that's confusing. I just feel bad for Felix. He really loves Chan hyung but seeing how Chan hyung's family treats him makes me pity him, to be honest. He doesn't usually stick to someone if it will only make his life complicated but he stayed with Chan hyung, he tried impressing his family, he cries for that reason, and he's still waiting until now. Everything is so unusual because honestly speaking, Felix is the kind of dude who likes flirting but never really shows interest to a serious commitment we never really thought that he'll be that serious for Chan hyung, me and our other friends thought that Chan hyung was just one of those guys he'll date for sex but they turned out serious, however, the problem is Chan hyung's family," Minho quietly listened to the younger boy's worried confession about his friend. Now, he also feels bad for Felix but it's just so uncomfortable for him to think that the freckled boy thinks that he's a threat to his relationship with Chan when he's not even interested in the older.

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