Letter 37

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The boys stepped out of the restaurant, Minho sighing while Jisung's face was red.

"Sorry about that, Ji. My mother is always like that," Minho shyly said. He was embarrassed by his mother's playful remarks towards them.

"It's okay Hyung." Minho is just so relieved that they finally got to leave the restaurant before his mum actually say something that would embarrass the shit out of him.

He was embarrassed but on second thought, he also likes the idea of those words his mum had told them. Actually yes, why friends? He wants something more than friends and honestly, he's disappointed too but what can he do? He knew Jisung not even a year ago and he never really asked Jisung's preferences, is he even into men? He doesn't even remember if the younger already mentioned that to him before or did he ever even tell Jisung that he's gay and only has his interest in men?

The thing is Minho doesn't know how to do it. How to actually start levelling up his relationship with Jisung. In the first place, he doesn't have any experience in relationships.

"Should we go check you a computer set, Hyung?" Jisung asked shyly, trying to brush off everything Minho's mother had told them. No, it wasn't that bad but she just kept teasing Minho to Jisung in a playful manner which made Jisung feel flustered their whole lunch.

"Yeah, that's better. Do you have any suggestions where to go?" Minho asked.

"Definitely! You'd be surprised by my computer expertise," Jisung responded followed by a playful wink which made the both of them giggle.

"Yeah sure, my outdated ass will probably be surprised."

"No doubt, Hyung. That's exactly what I was pointing," the guys giggled, then walked to Minho's car to drive near the store for electronics.

* * *

A long day passed and finally, both Jisung and Minho are in Minho's house to set up the older's computer in Minho's room. It's not like Minho can't set up the device on his own but he's using this as an opportunity to be with Jisung longer and of course, Jisung doing the same thing, he's using his knowledge in technology to be with Minho more.

The moment they walked in the house, the three chilling cats in the three different places in the living room automatically stood up and stretched before walking to Minho's place and started meowing so loud which gained a cute giggle from Jisung.

"Calm down kids, I will," Minho said as he kneel down and pet his cats for a short moment.

"You can sit and rest first on the sofa, Ji. I'll just feed my three little bosses," Minho jokes, which received a chuckle from Jisung.

"I'm fine Hyung I'll just get the remaining things in your car."

"I can help you with that, just wait for me to finish feeding the cats."

"No need Hyung, there are just a few things. Focus on your cats first. I think they are literally so hungry," the guys looked down and watched the three cats meow so loudly while rubbing their bodies on Minho's feet.

"Yeah, they are," Minho responded. He picked up Dori and snuggled the cat before excusing himself to Jisung and feeding his cats first.

Both men just took a short time before meeting in the living room again. When Minho finished feeding the cats, Jisung was already sitting on the sofa, waiting for Minho.

"Sorry for making you wait, we can set these in my room, it's this way." Minho gets the box of his system unit, leading the way to his room with Jisung following behind, carrying the box of monitor and other small boxes for keyboard, mouse, and other things needed like cables.

Jisung looked around the room, it was neat and Minho surprisingly had a bunch of books and his graduation photos from grade school to bachelors are hung on the wall together with some other photos of his cats.

"My mum hung them there," Minho said when he noticed Jisung staring at his graduation photos.

"Hyung, you look like someone who's ready to kill in that picture." Jisung pointed to Minho's grade school graduation photo and giggled at how the older was frowning on those specific photos.

"I remember having a tantrum that day because my dad didn't come, he was busy," Minho explained.

Jisung pointed the picture next to it which he assumed was the photo from middle school, "you wear glasses?" The younger asked.

"Yeah, I started wearing them in middle school. But my eyesight is not that bad, I guess. It's just hard to read small letters but aside from that I'm good," the younger nodded in understanding.

"Mee too, I have been wearing them since grade school. But for me, my eyesight is legit bad. I can't see without them. I just started wearing contact lenses in college until now."

"I once saw you wearing it and I think glasses look good on you, I think it's cute."

"No way! That was one of my biggest insecurities, Hyung," Minho raised a brow after hearing Jisung's response. He walked to his small office table and got his eyeglasses in the drawer.

"I think it's cute, try this one let me see. This is just anti-radiation glasses," Minho tried to put it on Jisung but the younger covered his face and chuckled, "no Hyung, it's embarrassing," Minho giggled at the boy's response and tried to remove Jisung's hands from covering his face.

"Come on, try it! Let me just see it," Minho didn't stop until he finally convinced the younger to wear the glasses.

Minho smiled at Jisung while looking at him, "see? I told you it's cute," the older said as he made Jisung face the mirror in the room. Jisung's cheeks become red at the compliment which for Minho the younger became even cuter.

"You sure like being complimented," Minho softly said. Jisung looked at him shyly, heart pounding hard that moment he realised that Minho is too close to him.

Jisung nodded his head at the older, "I do, Hyung. It's a good emotion to feel, warm in the heart." The younger one said while looking at Minho. The older man returned the attention he was getting. Goddammit, he never realised that Jisung is such a cutie, especially if you stare at him closely. If he could just give the younger a peck that would be nice but who was he to do that? So instead, he chuckled and smiled at the younger man, "I see," Minho responded then ruffled Jisung's hair before turning back to the boxes of his new computer set.

"I should compliment you more often," Minho added.

Jisung was still standing at the same spot while watching the older boy unbox his computer. His heart beating like crazy, he suddenly felt nervous. Minho makes him feel nervous all the time, at this very moment he wanted to just hug and cuddle the older man, his eagerness to hold Minho is getting stronger, he fell head over heels and that's stupid for him. He hated that fact.

He hates that he has to be this obvious, Minho probably already noticed and it's making him want to panic.

"So Mr Han, what shall I do?" Minho spoke, making Jisung go back to reality.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'll help you," Minho giggled when Jisung started panicking. Jisung walked closer to Minho and helped him to set up the desktop.

* * *

A/N: Hello guys! Y'know I'm kind of overwhelmed lately about this book. I honestly don't know what I am doing with this book already and I feel like I'm messing up but recently there are a few numbers of new readers and I've been getting numbers of positive comments about the book. I am very much happy to know that you're still enjoying the book. I'm afraid I might mess up but still thank you for reading. Also, I wanted to let you know that I might extend this book for a few more chapters than my planned 40 chaps because I don't think I will be able to put everything in the 3 remaining chapters. I also want to give you a cute and sweet interaction so I'll just extend the book. Thank you for your patience guys! I appreciate your votes and comments. I appreciate your time, thank you!


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