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This is the beginning. How we got to the first chapter.

Meredith burst outside the doors of the hospital, still in her prom gown. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't think. She couldn't erase the feel of Derek's skin all over hers. She didn't want to be anywhere near here anymore. She wanted to crawl out of her own skin.

Se felt a hand on her shoulder. "Jesus, Derek." She said turning around. An unfamiliar face was staring back at her.

"Meredith Grey?" the man asked.

"That's me." She said. "Unfortunately. "

"Ah, it's quite fortunate for me." He said.

She rolled her eyes. "If you're going to make a pass at me, get in line. McDreamy and McVet are already in hot pursuit." She muttered, more to herself than this guy. Whoever he was.

"McDreamy. That'd be Derek Shepherd?"

Her eyes narrowed. "How'd you know that?" She shook her head. "Who are you?"

He smiled at her. "You're going to find out Meredith. You're going to find out everything."

His hand clamped on her wrist. "Let go of me." She said. He pulled her into the parking lot. "Let me go!" she shouted. She twisted and struggled and tried to run, but luckily for him, the lost was deserted. Before she knew what was happening, he had shoved her into the backseat of his black Ford Explorer.

"That was easy." He said to himself as he navigated out of the lot. No one had even seen him.


Callie was running. In her heels, in her prom dress. Sprinting actually. In the hallway, she ran until she practically smacked into both Shepherds, Meredith's vet, and Dr. Bailey.
"Dr. Torres, what in the name is the matter?" Bailey asked, in a very Bailey-ish manner.

"Meredith." She said.

Bailey rolled her eyes. "Good Lord, what has she done now?"

Derek paled visibly, sure that Callie was about to say exactly what Meredith- and he- had done right here, in front of Finn. And Addison.

"She was outside, and someone forced her into a car. A Black explorer."

"What the hell do you mean, forced her?" Finn asked.

"Like grabbed her and pulled her into the car." Callie said. "And then drove away."

Bailey locked eyes with Derek, and he knew then that she knew. She gave him a slight nod, and said, "Chief. Now."

He went off running.

Addison looked at her. "Miranda..."

"Dr. Shepherd, trust me, I needed to give him something to do before he started screaming and throwing things. Grey's gone missing? Trust me, objects would have flown."

Addison blinked at her, taken aback. Then shook her head, and sank down onto the nearest chair. Bailey directed her attention to Callie.

"Torres, go find the rest of my interns. Tell Karev to take Stevens home and stay with her. Get Yang and O' Malley here. Now."

Callie nodded and headed off in the same direction Derek had gone. Bailey started over towards Addison but Finn cleared his throat.

"Um, what can I do? I'm her boyfriend."

She made a face and looked him up and down. "McVet, I don't have any jurisdiction over you. You don't work here. You do whatever will make this easier for you. And if you want to keep those cheek bones in tact, I'd stay out of Shepherd's way."

Finn looked at her incredulously. "McVet?" he whispered to himself.

Bailey didn't bother to see what Finn decided to do with himself. Instead she headed right to Addison and in a very un-Bailey like gesture; she placed a comforting hand on Addison's shoulder.

"You know, you're not making this an easier, Miranda." Addison said in reference to her comments about Derek.

"I'm sorry, Addison." Bailey said. "But there are certain realties I have to face."

"You know I'm going to like the biggest bitch here, Miranda? Worried about the meaning of all my husband's reactions, when their best friend is yet another life threatening situation? No wonder they hate me." She pointed toward Cristina and George who were flying down the hall.

Cristina practically smacked into Bailey before she could start to respond to Addison. "Dr. Bailey! Callie said that Meredith...." Cristina waited for George to catch up.

"What the hell is going on?" she demanded.

Bailey didn't have a chance to answer this question either, because Derek came striding back down the hall. "Richard's on his way. He's on the phone with the police right now."

"Umm..." George said, raising his hand.

Derek looked at the strange scene. Addison sitting in a chair, slumped over with her head in one of her hands, Bailey hovering over her, looking torn. And two very confused interns.

"Where's Callie?" he asked.

"She drove Alex and Izzie home." Cristina said. "Dr. Shepherd?"

"Where's Finn?"

"I advised him to relocate." Bailey said. Addison gave a short and bitter laugh.

"Is something funny to you, Addie?" Derek asked, looking for a fight to give him somewhere to channel his anger and fear.

"Funny is not the word I would use Derek."

"Okay, this is not a counseling session," Bailey said. "Let's all stay calm."

No sooner had the words left her mouth than Cristina spoke. "Jesus Christ!" she yelled. "Will someone please tell us what the hell is going on?"

"Police are on their way." Dr. Webber said, striding in much like Derek had. "They'll be here any minute."

Derek opened his mouth, but George cut him off. "What happened?" he asked, his voice commanding an answer.

Bailey sighed. "Callie saw someone force Meredith into a car. They drove away and that's all we know."

"Did someone try calling her?" Richard asked.

George and Cristina both scrambled for their phones, but Derek was quicker. He pushed down on the one button and turned on the speaker.

"You have her on speed dial?" Addison asked, before she could stop herself. "Speed dial one? What am I?"


"Four? I'm your wife, and I'm four?"


In the SUV, Meredith's phone rang. "Who is it?" the driver demanded.
She picked it out of her black clutch and looked at the screen. "It's Derek." She said, in a voice that sounded odd to her own ears.

He smiled. "Tempting, but too soon. Don't answer it. You'll get in touch with Derek. On my terms."

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